Keragaan pertumbuhan tanaman honje (Etlingera elatior) pada beberapa level kerapatan naungan


  • Eko Setiawan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura



Etlingera elatior, klorofil, naungan, vegetatif


Honje (Etlingera elatior) adalah tanaman multifungsi yang telah digunakan untuk tujuan pertamanan, kuliner, obat-obatan dan bunga potong. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keragaan pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman honje di bawah naungan pada beberapa tingkat kerapatan paranet. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2016 sampai April 2017 di Kebun Percobaan Universitas Trunojoyo Madura, menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktor tunggal dengan tiga perlakuan pemberian naungan paranet yaitu: 0% (tanpa naungan paranet), naungan paranet 65%, dan naungan paranet 75% (kontrol), yang diulang lima kali. Setiap unit percobaan terdiri atas enam tanaman honje. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan tanaman tertinggi, jumlah daun per rumpun dan kandungan klorofil terbanyak dihasilkan pada naungan 65%. Jumlah anakan terbanyak (6,7) dihasilkan pada kondisi naungan 75%. Kerapatan stomata perlahan meningkat dengan bertambahnya umur, tertinggi sekitar 209,4 mm-2. Adaptasi honje pada kondisi naungan 65% berpeluang dikembangkan sebagai tanaman hias, ramuan herbal atau sayuran alternatif di Madura.


Torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) is a multifunctional crop that has been used for ornamental, culinary, medicinal and cutting flower purposes. The aim of this study was to determine the vegetative growth of torch ginger under different density levels of shading net. The research was conducted from December 2016 to April 2017 in the experimental field of University of Trunojoyo Madura in randomized block design with three paranet shade treatments, respectively: 0% (without paranet shade), 65% paranet shade, and 75% paranet shade (control), with five replications. Each experimental unit consisted of six torch ginger plants. The results indicated that 65% paranet shade gave the best performance for plant height, the number of leaves per clump, and chlorophyll content. The 75% paranet shade gave the highest number of thillers (6.7). The density of stomata was slowly increased in line with the maturity and reached the highest density in 209,4 mm-2. The adaptation of torch ginger at 65% shade condition has an opportunity to be developed as an ornamental plant, aromatic herbs or alternative vegetable in Madura.conditions has an opportunity to be developed as an ornamental plant, aromatic herbs or alternative vegetable in Madura.


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