Diskursus Etnisitas dalam Studi Hadis: Mawali, Aktivisme dan Kesalehan

Agus Suyadi Raharusun, Aceng Abdul Kodir


In early Islamic biographical dictionaries, mawālī (the plural form of mawla) appears as an essential term for recognizing ethnicity in early Islamic scholarship. Unfortunately, few hadith studies of contemporary scholars about what, how, and why mawālī is necessary to be studied in an interdisciplinary manner. The following article will examine Sa'id b. Jubayr (d. 95 hijriyah) mawālī from the tabiin generation, originally from Ethiopia (Habashah). The reason for choosing this character was due to two things. First, he was a pious type of person [the narrator of hadith]. Second, the activism he undertook to balance the Umayyad dynasty. Through sociological-geographic studies, the author traces biographical dictionaries and early books of Islamic history. The author reconstructs the discourse of ethnicity in the study of hadith and shows the role of non-Arabs in the early days of Islam in building Islamic scholarship. The author concludes that tyrannical citizenship politics encourages new non-Arab Muslims to carry out activism on the one hand and choose the intellectual path on the other to find social justice.





Arabic; Ethnicity; Hadith; Mawālī; Umayyah

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/diroyah.v5i2.11948


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