Exploring Hadith Hasan: A Fresh Perspective al-Jami' al-Sahih al-Sunan al-Tirmidzi
Al-Jami’ Al-Ṣaḥīh, Sunan Al-Tirmidzi, ḥadīth ḥasan, ḥadīth Quality Evaluation, New Perspective.Abstract
This study aims to evaluate the quality of the traditions classified as ḥasan in Sunan Al-Tirmidzi's Al-Jami' Al-Ṣaḥīh, a topic that has attracted considerable attention among ḥadīth scholars. Using a literature review methodology combined with a qualitative approach, this study has not only discovered a new qualification for assessing the quality of traditions in Abū Isa Al-Tirmidzi's Al-Jami’ Al-Ṣaḥīh, referred to as ḥasan ṣaḥīh traditions but also expanded its scope beyond the existing findings. This research has revealed that the emergence of the ḥasan ḥadīth has prompted strong scholarly engagement, signalling the ever-evolving nature of ḥadīth studies. This evolution requires researchers to always be ready to re-evaluate classical texts, encourages continuous exploration of new perspectives and promotes acceptance of the potential for new classifications to emerge within the field. Furthermore, this study has illustrated Al-Tirmidzi's pioneering efforts to reshape the categorisation of ḥadīth. More than simply introducing the ṣaḥīh ḥadīth, Al-Tirmidzi cleverly combined this classification with other existing categories, including the ṣaḥīh gharib ḥadīth and the ṣaḥīh gharib ḥadīth thus enriching the intricacies of ḥadīth classification methodology. The implications of this innovative approach go beyond Al-Tirmidzi's work and affect the broader landscape of ḥadīth scholarship. Moreover, the findings of this study have substantial legal ramifications in Islamic jurisprudence. The revelation that certain traditions classified as ḥasan have the status of ṣaḥīh implies that these texts can serve as a valid legal basis despite their initially inferior category. This discovery underscores the dynamic interaction between ḥadīth scholarship and Islamic jurisprudence, where ḥadīth classification has a real impact on the legal framework of faith. In sum, this study underscores the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the field of ḥadīth studies as well as the important role played by scholars such as Al-Tirmidzi in reshaping the classification. It emphasises the need for constant exploration of classical texts and readiness to adapt to evolving perspectives to ensure that the field remains at the forefront of Islamic scholarship and jurisprudence.
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