Stevia Local Tawangmangu Generation M1 Result of Oryzalin Treatment

Dian Susanti, Parjanto Parjanto, Sari Haryanti


 Stevia rebaudiana Bert. (Stevia) is used in the commercial and health industries because of its steviol glycosides (stevioside, re­baudioside A, rebaudioside C) and flavonoids. Polyploidy induction of stevia plants using oryzalin was held to increase the diversity and produce superior varieties. This research aims to obtain stevia diver­sity with different characteristics from its diploid. The Tawangman­gu variety of stevia seedlings was experimentally designed using a completely random design. Nine combinations of oryzalin concentra­tions (1.5, 2.5, and 3.5μM) and immersion times (4, 6, and 8 hours) treatments were applied to 15 stevia seedlings each. Stevia without treatment was used as a control. Treatments were applied directly to the shoots on the second internode from the tip. Observations on tar­get shoots included the number of survivors, morphological variables (height, number of internodes, internode length, leaf size, leaf thick­ness, stem diameter, and leaf color), stomata, and plant ploidy level. Data analysis on the number of live plants used frequency and de­scriptively. Morphological data consisting of plant height, number of shoots, number of internodes, internode length, leaf length, leaf width, leaf thickness, and stem diameter were analyzed using boxplot graphs and descriptive to describe the diversity of M1 stevia treatment re­sults. Leaf color and stomata were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that up to 3.5μM concentrations of oryzalin and 6 hours of immersion time were safe to use as a mutation agent with above 67% survival rate. Various oryzalin treatments of Tawangmangu stevia va­rieties yielded polyploidy morphological growth indications in height, number of internodes, internode length, stem diameter, leaf size, leaf thickness, leaf color, stomata, and stem diameter. In addition, there are growth variations such as chimeras, rosettes, and leaf splitting. However, further flow cytometry tests showed that oryzalin concen­tration and immersion duration directly on the vegetative material did not produce polyploid stevia individuals.


antimitotic, concentration, immersion time, microtubulin inhibitor, polyploidization.

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