The Politics of Puan Maharani's Image in the ROSI Podcast Event

Nisful Laili(1*), Pawito Pawito(2), Sri Hastjarjo(3)

(1) Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Podcasts are used by political figures to attract public attention and build a political image. Puan Maharai as Chair of the DPR RI, who has a bad image in society, uses this media to build her positive image with clarifying content. This research aims to analyze the ROSI KompasTV podcast with guest star Puan Maharani which includes the formation and improvement of Puan's image. This research is qualitative research with Fairclaugh analysis at three levels, namely micro, meso and macro. At the micro level, we found representations of the texts delivered by Puan Maharani, then at the meso level we found that the existing representations were discourses created by Puan to build her political image. Then at the micro level, the results show a deep understanding of the use of podcasts as a means of forming a political image and increasing a positive image. Puan's clarification was conveyed well via podcast on the KompasTV ROSI Program. Apart from that, in the text regarding Puan's position as DPR RI due to Mega Wati's interference, Puan emphasized that there was no interference from her at all.


Keywords: discourse analysis, podcast, political image, Puan Maharani

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