Pemahaman Dampak Game Online pada Anak-Anak Nelayan di Kota Makassar


  • Arianto Arianto Universitas Hasanuddin Makasar
  • Tuti Bahfiarti Universitas Hasanuddin Makasar



Keywords, Online Games, Fisherman’s Children, Makassar City


This study aims to categorize the understanding of fishermen's children on the use of online games and the barriers to understanding the impact of online games on fisher children in Makassar City. This research uses a qualitative approach referring to case studies. Data were collected through non-participant observation and in-depth interviews with children aged 7-12 years selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that the understanding of fishermen's children's impact on online games has three categories: high understanding categories, characteristics of low duration and frequency, and increased interactivity playing with peers. In moderate understanding, children tend to share their time playing online games and learning with minimal time duration and frequency. In the low comprehension category, the characteristics of very intensive children have a very high duration and frequency of playing online games. The level of interactivity with peers is low. Second, the obstacles are the inadequate understanding of online games' impact on fishing communities due to parents' lack of supervision and assistance when using smartphones. Online games have the potential to lead to online game addiction and less focus on school learning, and potentially cost money in internet cafes

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkategorisasi pemahaman anak-anak nelayan pada penggunaan game online dan hambatan-hambatan pemahaman dampak game online pada anak-anak Nelayan di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif mengacu pada studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi non partisipan, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, pemahaman anak-anak nelayan terhadap dampak game online memiliki tiga kategori, kategori pemahaman tinggi, karakteristiknya durasi dan frekuensi rendah, interaktifitas tinggi bermain dengan teman sebaya. Kategori pemahaman sedang, anak cenderung membagi waktu bermain game online dan belajar dengan durasi dan frekuensi waktu minim, dan kategori pemahaman rendah, karakteristiknya anak sangat intensif memiliki durasi dan frekuensi bermain game online sangat tinggi, tingkat interaktifitas dengan teman sebaya rendah. Kedua, Hambatan-hambatan rendahnya pemahaman dampak game online di lingkungan masyarakat nelayan, akibat kurangnya pengawasan dan pendampingan orang tua saat menggunakan Smartphone. Game online berpotensi menimbulkan kecanduan game online dan kurang fokus pada pembelajaran sekolah, dan berpotensi menghabiskan biaya di warung internet.


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