Stasiun Djoernatan Centraal Semarang: Sebuah Riwayat Stasiun Trem Kolonial

Heru Mulyanto, Dewi Afriani Lubis


Djoernatan Centraal Station, formerly known as Semarang Centraal Station, is an inactive tram station located in Purwodinatan, Central Semarang. This station used to be a large station that had quite a lot of railroad lines such as a locomotive depot, carriage depot, warehouse, and even a workshop. This station was built around the mid-1800s and was built by Samarang-Joana Stroomtram Maatschappij which was the Dutch East Indies railroad company. Djoernatan Centraal Station was the center of the Semarang City steam tram network at that time. Apart from connecting the Djoernatan Centraal station with the Semarang NIS Station (Kemijen Station) in Tambaksari and the Port of Semarang, this city tram also takes the Jurnatan-Bulu and Jurnatan-Jomblang routes. The Jurnatan–Bulu route is on the side of Jalan Bojong (Youth Street) while the Jurnatan–Jomblang route runs along the road which is now known as Jalan MT Haryono. This tram line was closed in 1940 due to unprofitability and all remaining locomotives and carriages were moved to Surabaya. This research reveals the development of the Djoernatan Centraal station since the beginning of its construction, its management, and the period when this station ended and closed.

Keywords: Jurnatan Station, Tram Station, Semarang-Joana Stroomtram Maatschappij, Development of the station.

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Arsip dan Sumber Resmi Tercetak

Arsip No. 1: Dienst der Staatspoor en Tramwegen Mededeelingen Administratieve Dienst. No. 1, Indische Spoorweg-Politiek. Deel VIII (Februari 1925).

Arsip No. 2: Dienst der Staatspoor en Tramwegen Mededeelingen Administratieve Dienst. No. 1, Indische Spoorweg-Politiek. Deel VIII (Januari 1925).

Arsip No. 3: Dienst der Staatspoor en Tramwegen Mededeelingen Administratieve Dienst. No. 1, Indische Spoorweg-Politiek. Deel VIII (Januari 1916).

Arsip No. 4: Rapport Der Commissie tot Onderzoek der Spoor-en Tramwegtoestanden In en om Semarang, Ingesteld bij Gouvernementsbesluit van 26 October 1918 No. 68.

Arsip No. 5: Vijfde Wijzigings- en Aanvullingsb;ad op de Regeling van het Doorgaand Vervoer van Goederen Tusshen Spoor en Tramwegen vooe Algemeen Verkeer. 1 September 1908.

Tijdscrift Spoor en Tramwegen Vol, 11, No. 20 27 September 1938.


Kuntowijoyo, Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Bentang, 1995)

Jurnal dan Prosiding

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Ratnawati, Yusi. Perkembangan Perkeretaapian pada Masa Kolonial di Semarang Tahun 1867-1901. Journal of Indonesian History Vol. 3 No. 2 tahun (2015) Hlm. 65-69.

Susilowati, Endang. Peranan Trem Semarang - Juana Sebagai Alat Transportasi di Pantura Jawa Tengah Pada Akhir Abad 19. Dalam: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Kebudayaan Nasional Berbasis Kearifan Lokal. Penerbit: Fasindo Press, (2012): 4



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