Dakwah Islam: Kajian Ontologis

Agus Ahmad Safei


Although academic explanations for ilmu dakwah  have been elaborated relatively often, the nature of ilmu dakwah as a science remains a big question This paper supplies another explanation of that kind in order to provide philosophical grounds necessary to every single science to stand alive.

It elaborates ilnm dakwah from an ontological point of view. In doing so, it starts from the very basic tenet of scientific search, which is the ontology of philosophy itse1f. Having clear about this, it goes on explaoiog the  ontology of dakwah. Eventually, it discusses the maio concern of the philosophy of dakwah, defined mainly as a sean:h for the nature of dakwah.

From the viewpoint of philosophy, dakwah can be understood as the close interactions of the elements of dakwah as an activity. These interactions create huge problems of dakwah, that can be categorized in such a way as to constitute  the subdisciplines of ilmu dakwah. These subdisciplines call altogether for humanization, liberation, and  transendention

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/idajhs.v1i1.2407


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