Pengaruh empat isolat Bacillus spp. untuk pertumbuhan tanaman padi dan peningkatan ketahanan terhadap serangan kepinding tanah (Scotinophara coarctata Fabricius.)

Ilham Wibowo, Yulmira Yanti, Hasmiandy Hamid, Yaherwandi Yaherwandi


Rice black bug (Scotinophara coarctata Fabricius) is an important pest of rice plants. An alternative control method involves utilizing biological agents from the genus Bacillus. The research aims to identify the effective Bacillus spp. isolates in enhancing the growth and resistance of rice plants against rice bug infestations. The experimental study employed a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments: (1) B. cereus strain MRDKBTE 1.3, (2) B. subtilis strain MRTDUMBE 3.2.1, (3) B. cereus strain MRPLUMBE 1.3, (4) B. mycoides strain MRSNUMBE 2.2, and (5) Control, each with five replications. The results showed that B. cereus strain MRPLUMBE 1.3 increased plant height by 135.27 cm, and the number of tillers by 23.85, with fresh and dry weights of 0.8 grams and 0.09 grams, respectively. Furthermore, B. mycoides strain MRSNUMBE 2.2 reduced the number of eggs by 30.60 ± 2.70 eggs, with a hatching percentage of 74.46%, and an infestation intensity of 11.18%.

Kepinding Tanah (Scotinophara coarctata Fabricius) merupakan hama penting tanaman padi. Alternatif pengendalian yang dapat dilakukan dengan pemanfaatan agens hayati dari genus Bacillus. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi isolat Bacillus spp. yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan ketahanan tanaman padi terhadap serangan kepinding tanah. Penelitian secara eksperimen menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu : (1) B. cereus strain MRDKBTE 1.3, (2) B. subtilis strain MRTDUMBE 3.2.1, (3) B. cereus strain MRPLUMBE 1.3, (4) B. mycoides strain MRSNUMBE 2.2, dan (5) Kontrol dengan masing masing 5 ulangan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh B. cereus strain MRPLUMBE 1.3 meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman 135,27 cm, jumlah anakan 23,85 anakan, serta berat segar dan kering masing-masing sebesar 0,8 gram dan 0,09 gram. Selanjutnya, B. mycoides strain MRSNUMBE 2.2, dapat menurunkan jumlah telur 30,60 ± 2,70 telur, presentase telur yang menetas 74,46%, dengan intensitas serangan sebesar 11,18%.


Biological Agents, Alternative Control, Introduction, Isolatesbsp. indonesiensis sici is t

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