Journal of Asian Social Science Research


Journal of Asian Social Science Research (ISSN 2721-9399e-ISSN 2721-9593) is a peer-reviewed and open access publication since 2019. It aims to contribute to the development of Asian social science by providing a forum for researchers, academics and policy-makers to publish their research on the broad problems on Asian social science.

The Journal seeks to publish original research articles and review papers that deal with issues in Asian social science including sociology, anthropology, political science, public administration, education, communication studies, media studies, religious studies, history, and cultural studies.  The Journal also has a strong interest in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies on social science in Asia and related to Asia. The Journal is published twice a year by the Centre for Asian Social Science Research, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.



Journal Webpage

Please visit our journal page at the following link  
Posted: 2022-01-01 More...
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