Vol. 4 No. 4 (2024): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Philosophical Insights: Unraveling the Rich Tapestry of Qur'anic Interpretations through Falsafi Tafsir
Religious Moderation in Fighting Terrorism and Radicalism
Commodification of Religion: Al-Jabbar Grand Mosque as a Religious Tourism Object in West Java
Echoes of Justice: The Impact of Laudato Si and Laudate Deum on Addressing Injustice in Our World
Collaborating to Enhance Tolerance Among Bandung's Students of Diverse Religions
Social and Cultural Implications of Da'wah Through Social Media
Symbols of Slavery in the Qur'an and Its Relation to the Declaration of Human Rights
The Roles of Persis in Education Development in Indonesia 1923-2024
Examining the Characteristics of Generation Z and Their Implications for Students' Character Education
William James' Theory of Truth and Its Relevance for Religious Education
Daoist and Confucianist Schools of Thought in Muslim-Majority Indonesian Society
Grounding the Content of the Qur'an Surah Al-Fatihah in Everyday Life as a Form of Living Religion
Fraters' Learning Approach for Understanding English Philosophical Texts Through the MOOC