God in dialogue with His creation





Christology, dialogue, evolution, incarnation, theology and nature, Trinitarian God


Christian faith, theology and natural sciences are brought into conversation with each other to analyse different aspects of the dialogue between God and his creation. The methodological approach consists of bringing research results from theology and the natural sciences documented in current publications as well as philosophical considerations into a dialogue with the Christian faith. Furthermore, the chronological development is given special attention. Both philosophical considerations and physical observations show that this universe was created by a transcendent intelligent supreme being, the Christian God, and that it is very important for this supreme being to communicate with the intelligent living beings in this universe. God entered and continues to enter into an ever more intense and intimate dialogue with his creation in various ways, both in Earth history and evolution, and in the history of the people of Israel, as well as today in the Christian era. To remove all possible barriers and obstacles to dialogue, God himself became man in Jesus Christ. The incarnation of Jesus Christ is the culmination of the dialogue between God and his creation. The incarnation and resurrection of Jesus Christ had a very great impact on the triune God. God gives himself so much to the dialogue with his creation that he takes into his innermost being the human body of Jesus Christ, which is a part of his creation marked by time. At the end of time, all human beings who have chosen God will live eternally with each other and with the triune God in comprehensive and fulfilling communion. This all-encompassing and all-fulfilling dialogue of love will originate from the triune God and will fill and glorify the whole of creation. The article shows that dialogue is central to understanding the relationship between God and his creation. The intra-Trinitarian dialogue of love between the three persons of God is the starting point, model and goal of both creation and God's dialogue with his creation. Contribution: The synthesis of Christian faith, theology and natural sciences makes it possible to see more clearly how much God is in dialogue with his creation. This can help us to recognise more deeply God's love for his creation and especially for us humans, and to act from this insight.

Author Biography

Andreas May, University of Pretoria, South Africa, and Friedrich-List-Str. 66, D-59425 Unna

Andreas MAY, born in Dortmund/Germany in 1962, studied geology and palaeontology at the universities of Bochum and Münster in Germany. He obtained his Doctor in Natural Sciences in 1991. From 2002 to 2005 he was Professor for Earth sciences, environmental sciences, evolutionary biology and palaeontology at the Saint Louis University - Madrid campus. He wrote or contributed to about 100 publications on palaeontology, geology and theology. Now he is married, has four children and is working as a Senior Database Developer in Germany.


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