Faith, Hope, and Resilience: Unveiling the Spiritual Dimensions of Hope in Christian Education


  • Cyril Odia St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, Ireland



Many people can endure economic hardships and do suffer considerably due to the social and political structures within which they live. One way to understand why such people do not give up in life or stop working hard despite low economic rewards is connected to the element of the Christian faith. It is a spiritual gift that enables people to ‘endure’ challenges in life and grow strong amid adversity. This belief is mentioned in Romans 5:1-5 but does it really work that way? This research explored the possibility of people relying primarily on the word of God and participating in religious activities to cope with life's difficulties. It was significant to have focus group interviews with people living under such conditions of faith and economic hardship to understand how this gift works in real life. From this research carried out in 2022, it was discovered that people who are active in practising their Christian faith could cope with hardships that come their way in life because of a strong sense of hope.


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