Variations of Lafaz Bahrun's Interpretation in the Al-Quran

Dinni Nazhifah(1*)

(1) Pondok Pesantren Modern Al-Aqso Sumedang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Some marine terms are words that are commonly used in scientific terms, especially in marine science. In Arabic and also as written in the Qur'an, the Arabian Sea is known as al-Bahr (البحر). In the oral dictionary ul a'rab lata, it is defined as a water poem with plenty of fresh and salt water. Most exegetes view lafaz (البحر) as the sea in general. In accordance with the field of each Mufasir, but of the many people who are most different lafaz (البحر) comes from among the Sufi mufasir they view lafaz (البحر) differently. There are variations in the interpretation of lafaz (البحر) according to the field or scientific background of the mufasir. Therefore, the author tries to reveal and examine how the variations in the interpretation of lafaz (البحر) that have been mentioned in the Qur'an. To achieve the purpose of this research, the author uses a literature study, namely using books of interpretation related to the discussion, such as the book of Al-āyātul Kauniyyah fil Qur'ānil Karīm, Tafsir Al-Muniir, Tafsir Haqaiqu, Tafsir As-Sulami and other books of interpretation to be used as primary sources and books written by others as secondary sources. In the end, it is framed with the Charles Sanders Pierce Semiotic method. The results of his research, in interpreting lafaz Bahrun, several mufasir have diverse opinions: first, mufasir who are characterized by fiqh, in interpreting lafaz bahrun, they only interpret it in general, they argue that lafaz bahrun in several verses that have been mentioned only means the sea, some refer to the Red Sea (Al-Baqarah: 50), while lafaz bahrun in the form of mutsana (Bahrain) he interprets with two salty and fresh seas that meet each other. While lafaz bahrun in the form of jama' is only interpreted with a vast ocean. Secondly, the mufasirs with science style interpret lafaz bahrun, they interpret it in detail in terms of modern science because the sea is one part of science, because many scientific events occur in the ocean. Some examples are when interpreting lafaz bahrun with the abode of creatures unknown to humans (al-an'am: 59), some also interpret it with one of the hydrothermal processes (At-Thur: 6) then when interpreting lafaz bahrun in the form of mutsana (Bahrain) what is meant is that the salty sea meets the fresh river flow at the estuary. Third, Mufasir has a Sufi style, we know that Sufis usually see a lafaz with what is implied not what is explicit, so they are more focused on what is behind the meaning, some lafaz bahrun (ocean) which overlaps with lafaz barr (land) is interpreted with the human heart, while lafaz bahrun in the form of mutsana (Bahraini) is interpreted with a ma'rifah heart. Then lafaz bahrun in the form of mutsana (bahraini) is interpreted as ma'rifah of the heart and nakirah (Al-Furqan: 53), and finally lafaz bahrun in the plural form is hell (At-Takwir: 6).


Lafaz bahrun; Marine science; Qur'an and Tafsir.

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