Blockchain-Based Digital Transaction Security System: Perspective of Imam al-Shāṭibi’s Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah Concept

Blockchain-Based Digital Transaction Security System: Perspective of Imam al-Shāṭibi’s Maqāṣid al-Sharī’ah Concept


  • Achmad Yasin Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Arifah Billah Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya



Blockchain, Imam al-Shāṭibi, Maqāṣid al-Shari’ah


Blockchain is a technological advancement that does not yet have regulatory certainty, especially regarding taxation and its use in certain domains does not fulfill shari’ah provisions. This research is a literature study that explain the benefits of blockchain technology when applied in the Islamic economic sector and analyses it based on maqÄá¹£id al-sharÄ«'ah according to Imam al-ShÄá¹­ibi. The method implemented: normative law with a statutory and conceptual approach. Data collection is done through literature research and documentation. This research analyses that the benefits of using blockchain technology in Islamic economics provides various significant advantages for human welfare, so it is considered maá¹£lahah. Applying this technology to economic activities is a form of jalbu al-maá¹£Älih. Blockchain technology increases the operational ease of digital transactions and provides vigorous wealth protection through tokens generated from digitizing tangible assets. The blockchain application in digital transactions is a form of dar’u al-mafÄsid. Analysed from the perspective of Imam al-ShaÌ„á¹­ibi’s maqÄá¹£id al-sharī’ah, the blockchain technology efficiency and security for data and information in the digital transaction ledger are included as ḥÄjiyyah needs. Its use that facilitates cryptocurrency transactions is highlighted as haram because of its destruction of religion due to its prohibition. The protection afforded to real-world asset tokens and their overall usefulness elevates this technology’s status as a á¸arÅ«riyyah min jÄnibi al-’adam (protection of primary needs from absence).

Author Biographies

Achmad Yasin, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Sharia Economic Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty

Arifah Billah, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Sharia Economic Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty


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How to Cite

Yasin, A., & Billah, A. (2024). Blockchain-Based Digital Transaction Security System: Perspective of Imam al-ShaÌ„tÌ£ibi’s MaqaÌ„sÌ£id al-Sharī’ah Concept. Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, 11(2), 176–198.


