Aktivitas Media relations dalam Kegiatan Publikasi Lembaga DPRD Provinsi Jawa Barat
This study aims to find out how Media relations Activities in the Publications Institution Activities of the DPRD of West Java Province using concept of media relations management by paying attention to how the procces of planning, implementation, and evaluation in media relations activities. Result of this study state that Secretariat of West Java Provincial DPRD Sub-Division of Public Relations Protocol and Publications has carried out media relations activities wich have following management concepts; First, planning stage by setting targets and objectives through long-term program (PELITA) and short-term (KAK), resource mapping through classification work division team, and implementation of MOU (Memorandum of Unnderstanding) with media; Second, the implementation phase by verifying the legitimacy of cooperated media, formal approaches, and informal approach; Third, the evaluation phase by evaluating the outputs issued, input evaluation is also carried out by analyzing public response.Downloads