The Concept of Solidarity in Richard Rorty's Neo-Pragmatism Thought

Muhammad Aldin Hadinugraha


This paper aims to examine solidarity in the view of one of the philosophers, Richard Rorty. The subject of discussion in this study is: 1) The concept of solidarity in the thinking of Richard Rorty; and 2) What is underlying Richard Rorty formulating the concept of solidarity. This research is a literature study study, with qualitative methods, and the philosophy of Neo-pragmatism as the basis of analysis. The findings in this study, in Richard Rorty's view that the growth of solidarity is in an imaginative way through language in the scope of literary work, by putting imagination forward as a way to be able to feel the "feelings" of what others feel. The underlying thing richard rorty formulated the concept of solidarity is that there are several things such as ironic human language as well as metaphysical humans. That's one of the things that richard rorty would be in solidarity with.

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