The Existence of Sunda Wiwitan in Ciburuy Pamalayan Bayongbong Garut

Dinda Diniha Martini, Deni Miharja, Abdul Syukur


The belief system in a society in an increasingly changing era can be formed by itself. Where when humans come into contact with the universe, humans will know thir existence in the universe. In essence, humans are very dependent on the existence of the universe, so the concept of a belief system grows from the existence of human understanding with the universe. This study aims to determine the history, belief system, and also to find out the religious rituals of the Sunda Wiwitan teachings in Ciburuy. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying descriptive research methods regarding the Sunda Wiwitan community in Ciburuy, Pamalayan, Bayongbong Garut. The purpose of using descriptive research is to find out the picture, the situation that occurs in the field by describing it in as much detail as possible based on the facts in the field. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentaries. This study uses the theory of religious existence from Emile Durkheim which occurred in Ciburuy, Pamalayan, Bayongbong Garut. The results showed that the Sunda Wiwitan religion in Ciburuy, Pamalayan, Bayongbong Garut existed long before the Hindu-Buddhist religion was present, namely in the 3rd century which adhered to the Sang Hyang Batara Tunggal belief system, which means God Almighty, which is now entering the era of Islamization while still maintaining the existence of the Sunda Wiwitan belief as evidenced by the existence of religious rituals that are still being carried out today, namely the seba, maulud, and mitembiyan rituals held at the Kabuyutan Site.


Ciburuy; Existence; Sunda Wiwitan

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