Afif Muhammad's Philosophy of Happiness Perspective

Nur Ashikin, Radea Yuli A Hambali, Maman Lukmanul Hakim


The purpose of this study is to examine happiness according to Afif Muhammad clearly, and how to achieve happiness. This research is a qualitative research. The method used is library research and interviews. The data sources used are Primary and Secondary Data. This study concludes that according to Afif Muhammad, happiness is an inner or mental situation that a person has in which a person feels calm, peaceful and safe and can also be felt by those around him. If someone has felt happiness then he will radiate that happiness to the people around him. He divided the stages of happiness into three categories: Lay level, Intermediate level, and Supreme Level. This division is not meant to distinguish the form of happiness but so that we can measure our level of happiness at which level. As for the factors that we must have to achieve happiness, namely: by having an honest nature and not hating anyone so that our lives become calm and can achieve true happiness.


Concept; Happiness; Millennial Generation; Philosophy

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