The Path to God from Ibn Thufail's Perspective in Hayy Ibn Yaqzhan's Novel and Its Relevance in the Present Time (An Examination of the Novel Hayy Ibn Yaqzhan)

Maria Ulpa, Muna Mingpraleh


The purpose of this research is to find out the relevance of the path to God from the perspective of Ibn Thufail. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using library research. So the results of this study indicate that the path to God from Ibn Thufail's perspective in Hayy Bin Yaqdzan's novel consists of two aspects, starting with the physical aspect to metaphysics where Hayy bin Yaqzhan always observes then contemplates and formulates it. Then on the second aspect, namely Sufism which includes three spiritual journeys starting with the stages of purification of the soul, imitation of animal behavior, imitation of the behavior of celestial objects and the last imitation of the behavior or attributes of the Immaterial God; wise, wise, and all the qualities of his greatness. This is where it leads someone to actually musyahadah and sink into al-haq.


Hayy bin Yaqzhan; Ibn Thufail; The Path to God

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