The Meaning of Ultimate Happiness in the Perspective of John Stuart Mill (Study on Utilitarianism Ethics)

Juniar Dwina Sari(1*), Ahmad Jayadi Masykur(2)

(1) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(2) Al-Azhar University, Egypt
(*) Corresponding Author


This research aims to discuss and find out the meaning of ultimate happiness from John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism ethics. Interpreting human happiness, instinctively is a creature that always seeks pleasure. So that in life there is no one who rejects happiness. This research uses a qualitative approach with analytical descriptive method, the technique in this research is literature study. As for the results and discussion of this research, that according to John Stuart Mill's view of the meaning of ultimate happiness called rank. Lower ranks are interpreted as temporary and upper ranks are interpreted as essential, which if they provide as many benefits as possible to a number of people will become ultimate happiness.


Happiness; John Stuart Mill; Social life; Utilitarianism

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