Reception of Spirituality in Dayango Religious Rites Local Traditions Tabongo Village Boalemo Regency

Padli Ismail, Muhammad Abdurrasyid Ridlo, Fajar Islami Human


This study aims to analyze the spiritual reception of the community in Tabongo Village toward the traditional religious ritual Dayango in Boalemo Regency and to understand the integration of local spiritual values with Islamic teachings. A qualitative approach based on phenomenology was employed to explore the subjective experiences of the community and collective perceptions of Dayango as part of their cultural and religious identity. Reception theory served as the analytical framework to examine how the community receives, interprets, and perceives this ritual in the context of social and religious development. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews with traditional leaders, religious figures, and community members participating in the Dayango ritual, complemented by participant observation and document analysis regarding the tradition's history and changes. The findings reveal that, despite various interpretations, the community of Tabongo Village generally views Dayango as a means to support spiritual connections with God and nature, as well as a medium for preserving cultural identity. The discussion shows that this reception process is driven by the need to align local traditions with the religious norms they follow, resulting in a hybrid form of spirituality widely accepted by the community. The study concludes that the reception of the Dayango ritual in Tabongo illustrates the harmonization of local spiritual values with Islamic teachings, allowing the tradition to endure within changing social dynamics. This research provides new insights into how local communities negotiate their cultural identity and spirituality amidst the challenges of modernization.


Culture; Dayango; Human; Religion; Spirituality

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