Understanding the Essence of 'I Am According to the Prejudice of My Servant' in the Philosophy of Islamic Sufism from the Perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali

Fuji Amanda


This article reviews Imam al-Ghazali's view of "I am According to the Prejudice of My Servant" from the perspective of Sufism and Islamic philosophy. in this context, husnudzon will result in the belief that all enjoyment and goodness obtained come from Allah SWT, while the difficulties and badness experienced by humans are caused by sins that have been committed in the past. This research uses descriptive-analytical method to analyze the hadith qudsi and Al-Ghazali's view of its meaning in daily life. Imam Al-Ghazali, a great philosopher and Sufi in Islamic history, paid special attention to the various dimensions of belief and spirituality. He explained that "I am according to the prejudice of my servants" shows the importance of having a good attitude towards God in understanding and living the teachings of Islam. Al-Ghazali's view is relevant in building faith and psychological well-being in facing the challenges of contemporary life.


Essence; I Am According to My Servant's Prejudice; Philosophy of Sufism; Imam Al-Ghazali

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/slw.v2i3.40282


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