The Concept of Ma'rifat in Sufism: Comparison between Ibn Arabi and Al-Ghazali

Iis Saadah(1*)

(1) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the concept of ma'rifat in the thoughts of Ibn Arabi and Al-Ghazali, which is a form of esoteric knowledge that transcends the limits of conventional and rational knowledge. Ibn Arabi emphasizes wahdat al-wujud, where individuals who attain ma'rifat realize that their essence is part of God. Meanwhile, Al-Ghazali emphasizes the attainment of ma'rifat through spiritual discipline and esoteric knowledge directly from Allah through spiritual practices. Although their approaches differ, both agree that ma'rifat is the highest goal in spiritual life, where humans truly know, love, and devote themselves to God. Despite their differences, both believe that ma'rifat is the key to true happiness and a deep understanding of the essence of existence. In practice, they both emphasize the importance of direct experience in achieving profound spiritual understanding, with Ibn Arabi through awareness of the unity of existence, while Al-Ghazali through spiritual discipline and self-control.


Al-Ghazali; Ibn Arabi; Ma,rifat

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