Self-Transformation of Modern Man through Ma'rifat: A Comparative Study of the Thought of Ibn Arabi and Al-Ghazali

Iis Saadah, Hidayatul Fikra


This article aims to discuss the concept of ma'rifat in the thoughts of Ibn Arabi and Al-Ghazali, which is a form of inner knowledge that transcends the boundaries of conventional and rational knowledge. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. This study found that Ibn Arabi emphasizes on wahdat al-wujud, where individuals who achieve ma'rifat realize that their essence is part of God. Meanwhile, Al-Ghazali emphasizes the attainment of ma'rifat through spiritual discipline and inner knowledge directly from God through spiritual practices. Despite their different approaches, both agree that ma'rifat is the highest goal in spiritual life, where man truly knows, loves and devotes himself to God. Despite their differences, both believe that ma'rifat is the key to true happiness and a deep understanding of the nature of existence. In practice, both emphasize the importance of direct experience in achieving deep spiritual understanding, with Ibn Arabi through awareness of the unity of existence, while Al-Ghazali through spiritual discipline and self-control.


Al-Ghazali; Ibn Arabi; Ma’rifat; Self-Transformation

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