eJournal of Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University

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Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is an international peer-reviewed journal published by Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. The journal has been established with a printed version since 2012 with the name Media Pendidikan: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam and changed its name in 2014 into Jurnal Pendidikan Islam with the contents are accessible online. It publishes scholarly research on Islamic educational institutions and Islamic education. The articles of this journal are published bi-annually: June and December. 

Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (JPI) is the leading journal in Islamic educational institutions concerning Islamic education. The journal promotes research and scholarly discussion concerning Islamic Education in Academic disciplines and Institutions, focusing on the advancement of scholarship both formal and non-formal education.  Topics might be about Islamic educational studies in madrasah (Islamic schools), pesantren (Islamic boarding school), and Islamic education in university.

P-ISSN: 2355-4339; E-ISSN: 2460-8149                                                    


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Wawasan: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya


WAWASAN: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama dan Sosial Budaya is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scholarly research on Religious and socio-cultural studies. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with religious and socio-cultural studies using an interdisciplinary perspective. The journal is published biannually, in June and December by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.

The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.


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Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies

Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies is an academic journal published twice annually (June-December) by Dakwah and Communication Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in cooperation with Asosiasi Profesi Dakwah Indonesia (APDI). This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies on da’wah studies related to social and cultural context in Indonesia.

The study focus of Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies are (but not limited to):

  1. Islamic communication/public speaking (Tabligh)
  2. Islamic counseling (Irsyad )
  3. Da’wah management (Tadbir)
  4. Islamic community development (Tamkin).

Every received article should follow Author guideline. Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers. Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies  has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2016. Therefore, all articles published by Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies will have unique DOI number.

Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies  has been accredited by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal in Sinta 2 (SK Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemristekdikti No.34/E/KPT/2018) valid for 5 years

Ilmu Dakwah: Academic Journal for Homiletic Studies indexed by:


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Jurnal Biodjati

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JTK (Jurnal Tadris Kimiya)

JTK (Jurnal Tadris Kimiya) is a journal of chemistry education published by the Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung collaborates with Perkumpulan Pendidik IPA Indonesia (PPII). JTK is accredited by Sinta 2 and peer-reviewed internationally dedicated to advancing the field of chemistry education. It is a comprehensive resource for researchers, educators, and institutions involved in teaching and learning chemistry across various educational levels, from middle school to higher education.

The journal aims to disseminate high-quality research exploring innovative chemistry education approaches. It provides a platform for sharing the latest developments in teaching methodologies, curriculum design, laboratory experiments, and integrating technology and digital media in the chemistry classroom. JTK emphasizes evidence-based practices that enhance student learning and engagement in chemistry education.

Scope of the journal includes but is not limited to:

  • Research on chemical content and its effective teaching strategies.

  • Development and assessment of laboratory experiments and practical activities.

  • Innovative instructional methods, including active learning, inquiry-based learning, and flipped classroom approaches.

  • Design and implementation of educational technologies and digital learning media for chemistry education.

  • Studies on learning assessments and evaluation techniques in chemistry courses.

  • Exploration of pedagogical approaches in chemistry, including differentiated instruction and collaborative learning.

  • Integration of Islamic and cultural values into science and chemistry education, promoting interdisciplinary understanding.

  • Research on the professional development of chemistry educators and their pedagogical content knowledge.

JTK welcomes contributions from researchers and educators worldwide, aiming to foster a global exchange of ideas and practices that will advance the field of chemistry education. The journal aspires to be a leading voice in promoting innovation, equity, and excellence in chemistry teaching and learning. JTK (Jurnal Tadris Kimiya) is published twice a year, in June and December.

p-ISSN (Print): 2527-6816 e-ISSN (online): 2527-9637

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Jurnal AGRO

ISSN : 2407-7933 (online)

Jurnal Agro is established by Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. We are committing to establish the journal twice a year on July and December, which whole published articles have been through review process.

Jurnal Agro aims to provide a forum for researches on agrotechnology science to publish the articles about plant/crop science, agronomy, horticulture, plant breeding - tissue culture, hydroponic/soil less cultivation, soil plant science, and plant protection issues.

Jurnal Agro has been indexed in Portal Garuda, Moraref, Crossref, Google Scholar, Directory of Open Acces Journals (DOAJ), Sinta, and ISJD.

The journal is published by Agrotechnology Departement UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with Indonesian Agrotechnology Association (PAGI) and Indonesian Agronomy Association (PERAGI)

We accept submission from all over the world, therefore the articles can be either in Bahasa Indonesia or English. All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication.

Jurnal Agro has been accredited as a scientific journal by the Ministry of Research-Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia: 105/E/KPT/2022 PERIOD: Volume 8 No. 2, 2021 until Volume 13 No. 1, 2026


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Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi


Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi is a scientific journal on educational psychology, social psychology, and the combination of both. It is published by the Faculty of Psychology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. It brings new articles every June and December. The Journal is an open-access and double-blind review journal that publishes empirical research on Psychology. The journal welcomes research articles (qualitative, quantitative, or mix methods). Novel ideas and originality that trigger further research are emphasized.

The journal is formerly known as Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Pendidikan dan Perkembangan (issn 1979-4789), that focused on educational and developmental psychology research article. Starting from 2008, the journal transformed into Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi (issn print 2356-3591, online 2502-2903). It was changed to cover another area in psychology that focuses on educational psychology and/or social psychology.

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JOIN (Jurnal Online Informatika)

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ISSN: 2527-9165 (Online)
ISSN: 2528-1682 (Printed)
URL: http://join.if.uinsgd.ac.id

Jurnal Online Informatika (JOIN) merupakan Jurnal keilmuan yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Informatika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Jurnal ini merupakan wadah publikasi karya imiah berupa tulisan untuk Akademisi, Peneliti dan Praktisi tentang penelitian murni dan terapan tentang keinformatikaan.

JOIN terbit dua kali dalam setahun yakni bulan Juni dan Desember. Makalah yang ditulis merupakan naskah yang orisinal dan memiliki landasan penelitian dalam bidang Informatika.

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Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu komunikasi

Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi  is an academic journal has been published since 2017 twice annually (June-December) by Dakwah and Communication Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in cooperation with Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia (ISKI). Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi is a periodic scientific journal that aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies with a focus on media studies.
The scope of this journal's studies includes:
1. Mass media and journalism,
2. New media and communication technology
3. Digital public relations
4. Political, economic, social and cultural studies, which are related to Media.

Every received article should follow Author guideline. Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers. Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2017. Therefore, all articles published by Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi will have unique DOI number.

Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi has been accredited by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal in Sinta 2 (SK Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemristekdikti Nomor 85/M/KPT/2020 valid for 5 years from Volume 3 Nomor 2 2019 to Volume 7 Nomor 2 2023.



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Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya


Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama dan Lintas Budaya [Journal of Religious and Cross-cultural Studies] is a peer-reviewed, globally-focused journal committed to advancing and sharing scholarly research in the fields of religion and socio-cultural studiesOur commitment is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among scholars from diverse corners of the world, fostering a rich and interconnected dialogue that transcends geographic and disciplinary boundaries.

Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama dan Lintas Budaya [Journal of Religious and Cross-cultural Studies] is published by Department of Religious Studies, Ushuluddin Faculty, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia; and in collaboration with ASAI: Asosiasi Studi Agama Indonesia.

Beginning with Volume 4 (2020), Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama dan Lintas Budaya [Journal of Religious and Cross-cultural Studies] will publish articles online immediately upon final acceptance, thus making journal content more quickly available to scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners.

As of 2020, the Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama dan Lintas Budaya [Journal of Religious and Cross-cultural Studies] will increase its publishing frequency from 2 to 3 issues per year, which is published in April, August and December.

The review process in this journal employs a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.

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Al-Bayan: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al- Qur'an dan Tafsir

Al-Bayan:  Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir  [2528-1054] is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing the scholarly study of the Qur’an from many different perspectives. Particular attention is paid to the works dealing with: Qur’anic Studies, Qur’anic sciences, Living Qur'an, Qur’anic Studies across different areas in the world (The Middle East, The West, Archipelago and other areas), Methodology of Qur’an and Tafsir studies.  This journal is published twice in the year (June and December) by Qur’anic and Tafsir studies Programme at Ushuluddin Faculty UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.



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International Journal of Nusantara Islam

ISSN2355-651X (online);   2252-5904 (print)

International Journal of Nusantara Islam is peer-reviewed journal of Islamic studies. This journal constitutes a collaborative publication between Postgraduate Program at State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and Postgraduate Program at Academy for Islamic Studies University of Malaya under the MoU, article (2) paragraph (1) point (ii) dated on January 24, 2011.

International Journal of Nusantara Islam: 

Commencing from July 2023, the editorial committee has resolved to embrace a model of continuous publication for the Journal. This approach involves the online release of individual articles as they achieve a state of readiness, thereby facilitating a consistent dissemination of informative and high-caliber scholarly contributions. Concurrently, a transition to a calendrical annual issue cycle will transpire, encompassing two distinct periods of publication: January to June (Issue 1) and July to December (Issue 2). From a conventional standpoint, each volume will correspond to a singular year and encompass a solitary edition. The adoption of a just-in-time publication approach affords authors the opportunity to expeditiously present their findings. Simultaneously, it enables rapid access to our content and unhindered article citation for our readers, students, and professional peers, without being fettered by predetermined scheduling constraints. Consequently, these revisions are anticipated to engender a discernible transformation in the visual and stylistic attributes, as well as the operational aspects, of the Journal, with the aspirational outcome of enhancement


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Al-Tsaqafa : Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam

Al-Tsaqafa : Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam (e-ISSN: 2654-4598; p-ISSN:  0216-5937) adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang menerapkan proses peer-review. Pengelolaaan jurnal dilakukan oleh Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Artikel yang dipublikasikan adalah hasil penelitian tentang peradaban Islam di wilayah Nusantara khususnya Tatar Sunda yang mencakup pengembangan bidang ilmu bahasa, sastra, kebudayaan dan sejarah Islam.

Jurnal ini untuk kali pertama dipublikasikan pada tahun 2003 dalam versi cetak. Publikasi artikel dilakukan dua kali dalam satu volume, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember. Edisi elektronik mulai dipublikasikan pada open journal system (OJS) pada tahun 2017. Jurnal ini telah terakreditasi pada Sinta 4.

Al-Tsaqafa : Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam telah diindeks oleh berbagai badan pengindeks: Google ScholarGARUDA, Indonesia OneSearch, Moraref, SINTA, CrossRef, Dimensions, Base, dan WordCat. Untuk meningkatkan perkembangan publikasi ilmiah, kerja sama dilakukan antara Al-Tsaqafa: Jurnal Ilmiah Peradaban Islam dengan Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu Adab (ADIA) berdasarkan MOU Nomor ADIA-K/012/V/2019.

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al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan

al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan

al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan (e-ISSN: 2407-1927, p-ISSN: 2407-1897) is a journal published by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Published twice a year, June and December. Started to be published in June 2014, but is not regularly online until December 2017 (Issue Volume 1-4). Since June 2018, we are committed to publishing regularly and online.

The journal is published by Chemistry Departement UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with The Joint Conference on Research in Chemistry and Chemical Education.

We publish journals that raise the results of original research in the field of pure chemistry along with the themes of their application. In terms of pure chemistry, we raise the results of research that examines problems related to classical chemistry, namely inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry.

In relation to its application, we also raised the results of research that still lacks a place in similar journals, but has the potential value of contributing to the progress and advancement of the nation in a typical way, such as education and chemical technology based on human and natural resources of the nation, development and excavation aspects of chemistry. In general like food security, energy independence, and environmental sustainability that become national issues. As a publication in islamic institution, we are also committed to raising the results of applied research that has relevance to Islamic religious values.

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Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya

JPIB: Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in Islamic and Cultural Psychology published by the Faculty of Psychology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. JPIB: Jurnal Psikologi Islam dan Budaya publishes empirical research with quantitative or qualitative approaches to understand the psychological processes of individuals, groups, and communities, in Muslims and/ or cultural contexts.

ISSN online: 2615-8183

ISSN print: 2615-8191

Accreditation Number : 105/E/KPT/2022 (SINTA 3)

Publish twice a year (April and October)

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Syifa al-Qulub : Jurnal Studi Psikoterapi Sufistik

Syifa al-Qulub: Jurnal Studi Psikoterapi Sufistik is an open-access journal published by the Department of Psychotherapy Sufism, Faculty of Usuluddin, Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Islamic State University. It is published biannually in January and July. The material circulates research from lecturers, researchers, as well as intellectuals who focus on the study of Tasawuf and Psychotherapy. The Journal Syifa al-Qulub has the purpose of expanding insight, paradigms, concepts, and theories in the field of Tasawuf, psychotherapy, and counseling of Islamic and Sufi perspectives.

Syifa al-Qulub: Jurnal Studi Psikoterapi Sufistik published at first Vol. 1, No. 1, 2016 biannually in January and July until now.

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JISPO Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

JISPO Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (P-ISSN:2303-3169; E-ISSN:2579-3098) is a peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal, which was established in 2013. It is published twice a year by Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The journal seeks to publish original research articles on social and political issues including sociology, politics, public policy, citizenship, public administration, social development, governance, democracy, religion and politics, radicalism and terrorism, gender issues, and sociology of religion. It is nationally accredited (SINTA 3) by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (DIKTI) since 2020.

  • The Journal publishes manuscripts in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.

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Jurnal Analisa

Jurnal Analisa is a Mathematics Education publishing journal, published by the Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The editorial staff welcomes scholars, researchers, and education practitioners throughout the world to submit scientific articles which will be published through this journal. All texts submitted initially will be reviewed by editors and then evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers through a double-blind review process. The manuscript must be original research, written in Indonesian or English, and not be simultaneously submitted to other journals or conferences. This is to ensure the quality of the manuscript published in the journal. Journal Analisa is published twice a year which is published in June and December. Journal Analisa has been a Member of CrossRef since 2017. Therefore, all articles published by Journal Analisa will have a unique DOI number.

ISSN : 2549-5135 (print issn)

           2549-5143 (online issn)

Jurnal Analisa had accredited SINTA 4  by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia  0547/E5/DT.05.00/2024. date on 15 Mei 2024. Jurnal Analisa concerns these kinds of mathematics education field:

  1. Problem solving,
  2. Creative and Critical Thinking,
  3. Contextual Learning,
  4. Learning innovation and evaluation,
  5. Didactic/methodology of mathematics learning,
  6. High Order Thinking Skills,
  7. STEM, and
  8. Media/Multimedia.



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TEMALI : Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial

Temali: Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial [eISSN 2615-5028] is a peer-reviewed open access and double-blind journal. The aim of this journal is to promote the sharing of knowledge and understanding on social development issues, from various perspectives such as religion, education, law, politics, psychology, sociology, anthropology, culture, religion and various other perspectives.

The journal audience is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policy makers, administrators and other interested parties. Temali: Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial has been published twice a year since 2018 by the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung and since 2019 has been supported by Indonesian Sociological Association. Temali: Jurnal Pembangunan Sosial has been accredited with SINTA 3 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology from 2022 to 2026.


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Jurnal Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, Komputasi dan Kontrol


Jurnal TELKA merupakan jurnal yang sepenuhnya diperiksa oleh Redaksi Ahli yang berkompeten di bidangnya masing-masing. Redaksi menerima artikel ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian, gagasan, dan konsepsi dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali secara online dan cetak (terbatas) dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November. Jurnal meliputi bidang ilmu Teknik Elektro, maupun studi-studi interdisipliner yang terkait. Bidang-bidang tersebut meliputi, antara lain: Telekomunikasi, Elektronika, Komputasi, Kontrol, dan Sistem Tenaga.
 cover image 

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Jurnal Isema : Islamic Educational Management

ISEMA: Islamic Educational Management is a journal published by the Laboratory of Bachelor Program in Islamic Educational Management, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with Perkumpulan Manajer Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (PERMA PENDIS) or The Association of Islamic Education Managers based on MoU number: 002/J-IsEMa/VI/2019, to facilitate lecturers, researchers and managers of Islamic Educational in schools/madrasa in publishing their research. This journal published 2 editions in one year.

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Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah)

Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah) adalah jurnal berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Bekerjasama dengan APDI (Asosasi Profesi Dakwah Indonesia) dua kali setahun (Juni-Desember) yang mempublikasikan hasil penelitian orisinal tentang ilmu dakwah. Jurnal ini mengembangkan konsep, teori, perspektif, paradigma, dan metodologi dalam ruang lingkup Ilmu Dakwah meliputi kajian komunikasi Islam, bimbingan konseling Islam, manajemen dakwah pengembangan masyarakat Islam.
Naskah akan discreening dan direview oleh mitra bebestari. Proses review menggunakan sistem double blind review, artinya penulis tidak mengetahui siapa yang menilai naskahnya dan demikian pula mitra bebestari tidak mengetahui siapa penulis naskah yang dinilainya. Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah) telah menjadi anggota CrossRef Member sejak tahun 2017. Dengan demikian setiap naskah yang diterbitkan di Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah) memiliki Nomor DOI.
Sejak tahun 2017, Anida (Aktualisasi Nuansa Ilmu Dakwah) telah terakreditasi Sinta 4, dan mulai terbitan Volume 20 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020 naik peringkat akreditasi menjadi Sinta 3 berdasarkan berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 105/E/KPT/2022.

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Journal of Teaching and Learning Physics

Journal titleJournal of Teaching and Learning Physics
AbbreviationJ. Teach. Learn. Phys.
Frequency2 issues per year
DOIPrefix 10.15575 by  
ISSN2528-5505 (Print) | 2580-3107 (Online)
Editor-in-chiefProf. Dr. Chaerul Rochman, M.Pd.

JoTaLP: Journal of Teaching and Learning Physics is a peer-reviewed journal on Physics Education field and intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal is published by Departement of Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI). The editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. JoTaLP: Journal of Teaching and Learning Physics published periodically every February and August (twice a year).

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Tadris Al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban

Journal titleTadris Al-‘Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
InitialsTadris Al-'Arabiyyah
FrequencyTwo issues per year (April and October)
Online ISSN2963-6876
Editor-in-chiefDr. Isop Syafe’i, M.Ag
Managing EditorDr. Acep Hermawan, M.Ag
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar |


Tadris Al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban is a peer-reviewed journal on Arabic education field and intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. It is published twice a year since 2022 (April and October) in press version and open journal system in 2022. This journal is published by the Arabic Education Department, Pascasarjana Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung, in partnership with IMLA (Ittihadul Mudarrisii al Lughah al 'Arabiyyah). Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Arabic Education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.

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Atthulab: Islamic Religion Teaching and Learning Journal

Atthulab: Islamic Religion Teaching and Learning Journal is a journal published by the Laboratory of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with Perkumpulan Sarjana Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (PSPII) or Association of Indonesian Islamic Education Scholars based on MoU number: B-016/Jurnal Atthulab /MoU/VII/2019, to facilitate lecturers, researchers and educators of Islamic Religion in schools/madrasas in publishing their research results in the field of PAI learning. This journal is published in 2 editions in one year (April and October).

ISSN: 2503-5282 (Print)

ISSN: 2598-0971 (Online)

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BIOEDUIN is a journal of biology education published by the Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung is accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia, Number 36/E/KPT/2019, (Grade 4), in collaboration with the Indonesian Science Educators Association. This journal has been published in online version (e-ISSN: 2615-0417) since 2018. BIOEDUIN's focus on study of biology education includes biology curriculum, evaluation methods and learning media. This journal is published twice together in February and August. All articles will be reviewed (double-blind) by expert before being accepted for publication. Each author is responsible for the content of the published articles.

BIOEDUIN focused on the study results in the field of biology education. This journal encompasses original research articles, including:

  • Teaching & Learning in biology education
  • Material Learning in biology education
  • Learning Media/Multimedia in biology education
  • Evaluation & Assessment in biology education
  • Higher Order Thinking Skills in biology education
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
  • Biology Content Learning Strategy in biology education
  • School Laboratory Experiment in biology education
  • Integrating Islamic and Culture Values with Biology Education

All articles will be reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication. To improve quality of our journal publications indexed on SINTA, Google Scholar, Mendeley, Moraref, Crossref. This journal is open to writers around the world regardless of nationality.

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Journal of Islamic Economics and Business

The Journal of Islamic Economics and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing original research papers on Islamic economic and business issues. This journal is likewise committed to making the articles it publishes available to international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies for free.

The journal accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research papers using any methodologies or approaches relevant to the Indonesian economy and business topics, as long as the research falls into one of three primary disciplines: economics, business, accounting, management and finance.

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Jurnal Riset Agama

Jurnal Riset Agama (e-ISSN 2808-1196) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of scholarly research on Religious and socio-cultural studies. Particular attention is paid to works dealing with Religious studies using an interdisciplinary perspective, especially within Islamic Theology and its related teachings resources. The journal is published three times a year, in April, August, and December by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.

The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.

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Jurnal Perpajakan dan Keuangan Publik


Jurnal Perpajakan dan Keuangan Publik merupakan jurnal yang mewadahi artikel dengan ruang lingkup perpajakan dan keuangan publik dengan menerbitkan artikel penelitian ilmiah dan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan baik oleh para akademisi dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia maupun para akademisi.

Jurnal Perpajakan dan Keuangan Publik bermaksud untuk mendorong para akademisi dan praktisi untuk mempublikasikan ide-idenya, studi empiris, dan hasil penelitian yang valid sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan berbagai solusi dalam menghadapi masalah dan tantangan terkait perpajakan dan keuangan publik baik dalam konteks daerah, nasional, maupun internasional.

Jurnal Perpajakan dan Keuangan Publik diterbitkan secara berkala yaitu dua kali dalam setahun, April dan Oktober, oleh Jurusan Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung dengan mencakup sejumlah topik yang berkaitan dengan perpajakan, keuanngan publik, penganggaran publik, kebijakan perpajakan, dan masalah lainnya yang terkait dengan pajak dan keuangan publik. 





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Candidate: Jurnal Sains Politik


Candidate: Jurnal Sains Politik is a peer-reviewed journal that will be published in two editions per year by the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Candidate: Jurnal Sains Politik is a publication dedicated to the scientific study of all aspects of Politics and does not limit what approach is behind it. Special attention is paid to works related to history, geography, technology, political science, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, literature, religion, philosophy, international relations, environmental and development issues, and ethical questions related to research. scientific. The journal seeks to place politics at the center of academic inquiry and to encourage comprehensive consideration of its various aspects and to provide a forum for the study of local and global politics. The language used for articles and websites is English. Candidate editors and reviewers consist of domestic and foreign political science experts.

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Journal of Takhrij Al-Hadith

Journal of Takhrij Al-Hadith (ISSN 2964-4593) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the development of studies and research on Takhrij Al-Hadith, an essential discipline in Islamic studies that deals with the tracing and authentication of hadiths. This journal is published twice a year, in January and July, by the Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia. The journal serves as an academic platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to explore, examine, and share findings and new ideas for a deeper understanding of Takhrij Al-Hadith. It encourages interdisciplinary research, critical assessments of Takhrij Al-Hadith, and aims to promote innovative studies. The journal welcomes research papers with prominent methodological approaches related to Takhrij Al-Hadith studies.

The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.

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Branding: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis

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Likuid Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal

Likuid: Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal  (e) ISSN 2797-5967 is a scientific periodical journal published by the Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with the Indonesian Halal Product Producers Association / Asosiasi Produsen Produk Halal Indonesia (APPHI). The journal focuses on the following areas of study: halal industry, Islamic finance, halal tourism, halal food, halal fashion, halal cosmetics, halal media, and halal pharmaceuticals.

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Prestise: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Bidang Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Jurnal Prestise adalah jurnal peer-review, dengan akses terbuka yang diterbitkan pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Jurnal ini didedikasikan untuk menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di bidang ekonomi dan bisnis. Jurnal ini juga berkomitmen menerbitkan artikel bagi akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, dan publik.

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Priangan: Journal of Islamic Sundanese Culture

Priangan: Journal of Islamic Sundanese Culture (ISSN: 2962-5297) is an open-access journal and peer-reviewed scientific work both theoretically and practically in cultural studies specifically.
The journal's audience is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policymakers, administrators, and other interested parties. Priangan: Journal of Islamic Sundanese Culture has been published two times a year since 2022 by the Department of Islamic Civilization Faculty of Adab and Humanities of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Mashadiruna Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir

Mashadiruna Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir is an open access journal and peer-reviewed scientific work theoretically and practically studying the Qur'anic science and tafsir.

The journal's audience is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policymakers, administrators, and other interested parties. Mashadiruna Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir has been published four times a year since 2022 by the Master's Program in Al-Qur'an and Tafsir at the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.






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Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S1 Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2016.

Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam meliputi:
1. Khitabah;
2. Khitabah;
3. I'lam;

Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam terbit mulai dari Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 diterbitkan di web https://jurnal.fdk.uinsgd.ac.id dengan menggunakan sistem OJS 3. Sejak tahun 2016 sampai 2020 terbit 4 kali dalam 1 tahun yakni pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember.

Sejak terbitan Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021, jurnal ini migrasi ke Rumah Jurnal UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung di alamat web https://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/tadbir/. Jumlah Terbitan dan bulan terbit jurnal juga mengalami perubahan dari 1 tahun 4 kali menjadi 1 tahun 2 kali pada bulan Juni dan Desember.

Mulai Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019, Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam telah terakreditasi Sinta 5 berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 105/E/KPT/2022.

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Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S1 Manajemen Dakwah Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2016. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian Manajemen Dakwah meliputi:

  • Manajemen modern masjid dan pesantren; 
  • Pengelolaan lembaga zakat dan keuangan Islam; 
  • kajian haji, umrah dan ziarah; 
  • Studi kebijakan dakwah dan organisasi masyarakat Islam (LSM, Ormas Islam, Partai Politik Islam).

Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah terbit mulai dari Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 diterbitkan di web https://jurnal.fdk.uinsgd.ac.id dengan menggunakan sistem OJS 3. Sejak tahun 2016 sampai 2020 terbit 4 kali dalam 1 tahun yakni pada bulan Maret, Juni, September dan Desember.

Sejak terbitan Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021, jurnal ini migrasi ke Rumah Jurnal UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung di alamat  web https://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/tadbir/. Jumlah Terbitan dan bulan terbit jurnal juga mengalami perubahan dari 1 tahun 4 kali menjadi 1 tahun 2 kali pada bulan Maret dan September.

Mulai Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019, Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah telah terakreditasi Sinta 5 berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 105/E/KPT/2022.

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Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan, Penyuluhan, Konseling, dan Psikoterapi Islam

Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan, Penyuluhan, Konseling, dan Psikoterapi Islam adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam, Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2008. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam meliputi bimbingan konseling pendidikan Islam, bimbingan konseling mental Islam, bimbingan konseling karir Islam, bimbingan konseling Keluarga sakinah, bimbingan konseling paska bencana, bimbingan konseling Rohani Islam; penyuluhan Islam: penyuluhan sosial agama, penyuluhan penanggulangan NAPZA, penyuluhan keluarga berencana, penyuluhan remaja; media BKI: e-counseling Islam; training Islam, dan motivasi Islami. Naskah yang masuk ke editor jurnal sebelum dipublikasikan akan melewati penilaian melalui double blind review, artinya baik penulis maupun reviewer tidak saling mengetahui.

Irsyad: Jurnal Bimbingan, Penyuluhan, Konseling, dan Psikoterapi Islam dalam pengelolaan (editing), penilaian (review) dan penerbitan (publication) artikel jurnal bekerjasama dengan Perkumpulan Ahli Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam.

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Tamkin: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam


Tamkin: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2016. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam meliputi: pengembangan masyarakat dalam aspek ekonomi dan filantropi Islam, home industry; kesejahteraan sosial, kesehatan masyarakat; advokasi; ekologi, dan amdal.


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Annaba: Jurnal Ilmu Jurnalistik


Annaba: Jurnalistik Ilmu Jurnalistik adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2016. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian jurnalistik meliputi: jurnalisme cetak, jurnalisme foto, jurnalisme elektronik, dan jurnalisme warga.

Annaba: Jurnalistik Ilmu Jurnalistik diindeks oleh:


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Reputation: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat

ISSN: 2747-0024 (online)
DOI: 10.15575/reputation
Home page: https://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/reputation 

Reputation: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Masyarakat  (2747-0024) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung sejak tahun 2016. Jurnal ini mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian dalam mengembangkan konsep dan teori berkaitan dengan kajian ilmu hubungan masyarakat (Public Relations). 

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Prophetica : Scientific and Research Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting

Prophetica : Scientific and Research Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting ISSN (2086-3268) adalah jurnal ilmiah kajian ilmu komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Lingkup jurnal ini meliputi: media Islam, public speaking, Islamic broadcasing.

Setiap naskah yang dikirimkan ke jurnal Prophetica : Scientific and Research Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting akan diproses blind peer-review dimana penulis dan reviiewer tidak akan saling mengetahui.

Jurnal ini sudah terdaftar sebagai anggota Crossreff sejak 2017 sehingga seluruh naskah memiliki Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

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Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas

Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas (e-ISSN: 2775-4596) is an open access journal and peer-reviewed scientific works both theoretically and practically in the studies of religions and spirituality in various parts of the world.

The audience of the journal is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policymakers, administrators, and other interested parties. The Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas (JIS) has been published four times a year since 2021 by the Master Program of the Religious Studies at the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.






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Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ushuluddin

Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ushuluddin (e-ISSN 2774-8340) is a peer-reviewed journal that is published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. This journal publishes original and contemporary research on religious and Islamic studies with an interdisciplinary perspective, particularly in the field of Islamic Theology (Ushuluddin) and other related disciplines. Its scope includes Religious Studies, Islamic Thought, Islamic Philosophy, Quranic Studies, Hadith Studies, Islamic Mysticism, Islamic Law, and similar fields. Furthermore, the journal emphasizes the integration of Islamic sciences with the humanities and other general disciplines to foster collaboration and interdisciplinary insights that enrich both theoretical and applied knowledge.


Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Ushuluddin is a biannual periodical scientific journal (one year three publications with different themes in each issue) January, April and August published by the Ushuluddin Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

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Definisi: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora

Definisi: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora (e-issn: 2828-7878) is an open-access journal and peer-reviewed scientific work both theoretically and practically in religious studies and social humanities in various parts of the world.

The journal's audience is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policymakers, administrators, and other interested parties. Definisi: Jurnal Agama dan Sosial Humaniora has been published four times a year since 2021 by the Postgraduate Student Forum (FORMACA) of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung




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AIM: Journal of Islamic Education Management

AIM: Journal of Islamic Educational Management (p-ISSN 3025-1141; e-ISSN 3025-1087) a peer-reviewed journal on Islamic educational management field and intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal is published by Postgraduate Program of Islamic Education Mangement Departmen, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Islamic educational management around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published in this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. This journal was established in 2020.








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Finansha: Journal of Sharia Financial Management

Finansha: Journal of Sharia Financial Management is a periodical scientific journal that publishes scientific works whose scope covers the field of Islamic financial management. This journal aims to broaden and create innovative concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives, and methodologies within the scope mentioned above. This journal is published twice a year by the Department of Sharia Financial Management, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, in collaboration with the Asosiasi Prodi MKS (Asprodi MKS) throughout Indonesia.

This Periodic Scientific Journal is a publication of the Sharia Financial Management Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung. The primary objective of this publication is to provide a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners who have an interest in scientific knowledge and wish to discuss new ideas, current issues, and challenges in the field of Sharia Economics and Business, Sharia Finance and Banking, and Sharia Accounting and other relevant disciplines. Furthermore, this journal strives to contribute to solving societal problems, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and so forth.

The scope of this journal prioritizes research in the field of Sharia Financial Management and other related fields but is not limited to these areas, such as:

Sharia Financial Management, Management, Economics, Accounting, Sharia Business, Sharia Banking, Sharia Capital Market, Issues of Sharia Implementation/Practice from Sharia Banking, Zakat and Waqf, Takaful, Sharia Corporate Finance, Sharia-Compliant Risk Management, Sharia Financing Management, Islamic Business Ethics, Sharia Accounting, and other related fields.

Finansha: Journal of Sharia Financial Management, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 79/E/KPT/2023, dated May 11, 2023, concerning the Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals, Period I of 2023, it is stated that Finansha: Journal of Sharia Financial Management received National Accreditation Sinta Rank 4 starting from Volume 2 Number 1 of 2021 to Volume 6 Number 2 of 2025.

E-ISSN 2774-2687
P-ISSN 2775-0868

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Jurnal Matematika yang meliputi bidang Aljabar, Analisis, Graf, Geometri, Matematika Keuangan, Statistika Terapan, Matematika Industri, Kecerdasan Komputasi, Diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Matematika Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

KUBIK: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Matematika

KUBIK: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Matematika is a scientific journal published by the Mathematics Department UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with ADMAPETA (Association of Lecturers and Programs of Mathematics Studies and Mathematics Education Program PTKIN. This journal contains scientific papers from academics, researchers, and practitioners about research on pure and applied Mathematics.

KUBIK: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Matematika has been accredited Sinta 3 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (SK Dirjen Dikti Nomor: 73/E/KPT/2023).

KUBIK: Jurnal Publikasi Ilmiah Matematika is published twice a year in May and November. Each paper is original work in the fields of pure and applied Mathematics.

Subjects that are suitable for publication include, but are not limited to, the following fields:
  • Fuzzy Systems and their Applications
  • Geometry Theories and their Applications
  • Graph Theories and their Applications
  • Real Analysis and its Applications 
  • Operations Research and its Applications
  • Statistical Theories and their Applications
  • Dynamical Systems and their Applications
  • Mathematical Modeling and its Applications
  • Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
  • Computer Science and its Applications
  • Actuarial Mathematics and its Applications

Thus, we invite academics, researchers, and practitioners to participate in submitting their work to this journal.


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Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam (JIPAI)

Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam (JIPAI) is a journal published by the Postgraduate Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with Perkumpulan Sarjana Pendidikan Islam Indonesia (PSPII) or Association of Indonesian Islamic Education Scholars based on MoU number: B-08/JIPAI/MoU/XII/2021. This journal publishes articles related to innovation in Islamic Religious Education. This journal is published periodically twice in one volume (June and December).

p-ISSN: 2809-1345

e-ISSN: 2809-5359

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Az-Zahra: Journal of Gender and Family Studies

Az-Zahra: Journal of Gender and Family Studies is a scientific journal published by The Center for Gender and Child Studies, Research Institute and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The journal publishes articles related to gender and family with a religious perspective and various perspectives in the field of science.

Az-Zahra: Journal of Gender and Family Studies was first published in Volume 1 No. 1 in 2020. The journal is published regularly twice in a volume and published in December and June. This journal also has the registered number ISSN
2746-8585 (Print) and 
2746-8593 (Online).



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Islamika Indonesiana

ISSN: 2355-6242 (online); 2356-0126 (print)

ISLAMIKA INDONESIANA is a blind peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal published biannually by Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University of Bandung. The journal publishes a wide variety of scholarly research on all aspects of Islam in Indonesia and other parts of Muslim world. In addition, the journal includes insightful reviews of new published works relevant to the subjects of journal interest. The journal warmly welcomes authors to contribute by submission of articles or book reviews.


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ISSN: 2089-8843

Qanuniya adalah jurnal yang mempublikasikan hasil penelitian, kajian dan opini akademik di bidang hukum yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun. Lingkup Ilmu mencakup Hukum Konstitusi, Hukum Administrasi, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Bisnis, Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Hukum Perburuhan dan Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial, Hukum Siber, Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Hukum Lingkungan dan kajian ilmiah lainnya sesuai dengan ruang lingkup bidang penelitian hukum.

Jurnal Qanuniya diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember. Dewan Redaksi menerima kiriman artikel sesuai wilayah kajian sebagaimana disebutkan di atas.

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Journal of Breakthrough English Language Teaching in Islamic Context

BELTIC Journal publishes research-based articles that reflect deeply on the teacher's professional development and teaching of English as a second or foreign language in schools, madrasas, and universities. It also specializes in the inclusion of Islam spirituality in language learning. Most of our readers live and work in countries where English is not the primary language of communication.
We view English as a dynamic, creative, and comprehensive study of language in various forms and models, including literature and digital media. Articles about cooperation with multilingual and multicultural students are welcome.
BELTIC Journal has always regarded language as an indispensable part of social life and character education.
We would like to have as many people as possible participate to represent the entire professional community: teachers, learners, researchers, writers, academicians, practitioners and anyone who wish to support and improve English teaching. For information on preparing and submitting articles, please refer to the journal’s author information.
An editorial board and an International Academic Review Board supervises the work of the journal to ensure a fair review of all submitted content through anonymous review.
This journal is published by the English Education Department, which trains future teachers of English and is open to the dynamic development of language instructional strategies.

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Khazanah Sosial

Khazanah Sosial is an open access, and peer-reviewed journal. Our main goal is to disseminate current and original articles from researchers and practitioners on various contemporary social and political issues: gender politics and identity, digital society and disruption, civil society movement, community welfare, social development, citizenship and public management, public policy innovation, international politics & security, media, information & literacy, economic, politics, educational problems (not teaching procedures), governance & democracy, radicalism and terrorism. Khazanah Sosial is published Four times a year. It is nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), No. 164/E/KPT/2021 (January, 2022). , all articles have been published in English. Submissions are open year-round. Before submitting, please ensure that the manuscript is in accordance with Khazanah Sosial focus and scope, written in English, and follows our author guidelines & manuscript template.

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Khazanah Pendidikan Islam

Khazanah Pendidikan Islam (KPI) is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes original research papers and reviews in the field of Education. KPI is a scientific journal published by the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia. This journal aims to advance the progress of Islamic Education by providing a platform for researchers, scientists and academics to publish their research findings and share knowledge with the wider scientific community. KPI welcomes contributions from researchers, scientists and academics around the world on various topics, which have been determined.

Journal Subject ( Four main priorities ) :

  • Inclusive Character Development of Students Through the Al-Quran and Ḥadīth: KPI welcomes contributions that explore how Islamic teachings from the Al-Quran and Hadith can be integrated into educational frameworks to promote inclusive character development among students. The text should examine pedagogical strategies, curriculum design, and the role of educators in instilling values such as empathy, integrity, and social responsibility based on Islamic spirituality.

  • Relevance of Religious Education in Islamic Countries: KPI invites research investigating the significance and impact of religious education in Islamic countries. Articles should explore the role of Islamic education in shaping worldviews, ethical values, and contributions to societal development, considering the historical context and contemporary challenges in various Islamic societies.

  • The Role of Education in Advancing Various Fields: Manuscripts that explore how education, both Islamic education and general education, can advance various fields are highly expected to be submitted to the KPI. Although more emphasis on Islamic education is desirable, researchers are invited to investigate how education in a broader context can drive progress in areas such as science, technology, arts, and humanities, providing insights relevant to the holistic development of society.

  • Education Policy:Manuscripts addressing education policy are highly encouraged for submission to KPI. Researchers are invited to explore various aspects of education policy, including its formulation, implementation, and evaluation, with a particular focus on its impact on societal development. Emphasis may be placed on policies related to access and equity in education, curriculum design, teacher training, and the integration of technology in learning. Additionally, studies on Islamic education policies are particularly welcomed, especially those that examine their role in promoting values, ethics, and holistic education. By contributing to the discourse on education policy, these manuscripts aim to provide actionable insights and recommendations for advancing education systems at both local and global levels

  • KPI encourages rigorous research that contributes to understanding of these themes, stimulates interdisciplinary dialogue, and provides insights relevant to contemporary challenges and opportunities in the Islamic context.

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    Khazanah Hukum


    Khazanah Hukum is a Internasional journal published three times a year by the Universitas Islam negeri Sunan Gunung Djati. This journal discusses aspects that discuss the law in the Indonesian context and the context of globalization. The languages used in this journal are Indonesian and English. Khazanah Hukum will facilitate the publication of manuscripts and scientific articles relating to science in the field of Legal Sciences through a review process of involvement. We welcome and invite all scientific communities, lecturers, researchers, winners, and students to publish scientific articles here.This journal is an open-access journal. Currently, in 2023, Khazanah Hukum was indexed by Scopus.

    Five main topics of journals of Khazanah Hukum

    1. Consumer Protection Law
    2. Laws for Social Workers
    3. Marriage Law
    4. Customary Law
    5. Child Protection Law

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    Khazanah Theologia


    Khazanah Theologia (ISSN 2715-9701) is an international peer-reviewed journal, that specializes in disseminating high-quality scholarly articles in the fields of Religious Studies, theology, and related disciplines. This journal is dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding of diverse religious traditions and theological practices through interdisciplinary research and comparative approaches.

    Starting in 2024, 'Khazanah Theologia' redefines its journey to focus on the dynamic intersection of Cyber Theology and Digital Religion, recognizing the profound impact of digital transformation on religious spheres. As a leading academic platform, we invite incisive scholarly discourse on how digital landscapes reshape religious practices, theological thought, and spiritual experiences. Our interdisciplinary approach covers topics from the influence of digital media on religious communities to the ethical dimensions of technology in religious settings. Committed to advancing a deep understanding of digitalization's role in theology and religious life, Khazanah Theologia offers a diverse mix of theoretical and empirical insights, reflecting global and local perspectives in this rapidly evolving field.

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    Socio Politica : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Sosiologi

    Socio Politica : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Sosiologi (e-ISSN: 2654-7694 p-ISSN: 2302-1888) is an open-access journal and peer-reviewed scientific works both theoretically and practically in the studies of social science.

    The journal's audience is educated readers and researchers from universities and higher education institutions, policymakers, administrators, and other interested parties. The Socio Politica : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Sosiologi has been published two times a year since 2012 by the Department of Sociology Faculty of Social Science and Politics UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.






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    Komitmen: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen

    KOMITMEN: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen adalah Jurnal Open Access (OA) dan Peer Reviewed dengan nomor e-issn: 2723-1526. Jurnal Ilmiah Komitmen menerbitkan hasil riset empiris pada bidang ilmu Manajemen meliputi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Pemasaran, Keuangan, Operasional, dan Manajemen Strategik. Jurnal ini dikelola oleh Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam , UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

    KOMITMEN: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi, Nomor: 1429/E5.3/HM.01.01/2022, Tanggal: 12 Desember 2022, Perihal : Pemberitahuan Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah Periode II Tahun 2022, dinyatakan bahwa Jurnal KOMITMEN: JURNAL ILMIAH MANAJEMEN sudah TERAKREDITASI NASIONAL SINTA PERINGKAT 5 Mulai Vol. 1 No. 1 Tahun 2022 s/d Vol. 5 No. 2 Tahun 2024. KLIK Disini untuk lihat SK Akreditasi SINTA, KLIK DISINI untuk DOWNLOAD SERTIFIKAT SINTA

    KOMITMEN: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Call For Paper 2022

    Kami mengundang para akademisi dan praktisi yang melakukan penelitian empiris dalam bidang ilmu manajemen, ekonomi, bisnis dan akuntansi untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiahnya melalui jurnal ini.

    KOMITMEN: JIM, Batas akhir pengiriman artikel Vol 3 No. 1 tahun 2022

    Batas akhir pengiriman artikel : 31 Maret 2022

    Silahkan mengirimkan Artikel Anda (Berbahasa Indonesia) melalui fasilitas submit online kami. Penulis KOMITMEN: JIM  dipersilahkan untuk menyesuaikan dengan panduan penulisan. Penulis diarahkan untuk menggunakan aplikasi : Mendeley Citation Manager dalam menyusun naskah artikel.

    Artikel yang telah dikirim akan dilakukan peninjauan awal oleh dewan editor untuk diberikan keputusan dilanjutkan ke peninjau atau dikembalikan ke penulis. Tulisan ditekankan memiliki orisinalitas teoritis, empiris, metodologis, dampak ilmiah dan tingkat keterbacaan yang baik. Dewan editor akan segera memberikan keputusan terhadap artikel yang anda kirimkan, paling lambat 4 minggu setelah dikirim.


    Jurnal Komitmen Terindeks di :


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    Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah

    Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah (p-ISSN:  2088-2289), e-ISSN: 2723-4185) is a peer-reviewed journal published by The Department of History of Islamic Civilization UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, in collaboration with the Association of History Department of Indonesia (PPSI). The journal covers topics on local tradition, history, particularly Islamic history, and published twice a year in an edition of January - June, and July - December. It was firstly published in 2011, and in 2018, the online publication is available. In the beginning, this journal served as a forum for the lecturers of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati to express their thought on the local tradition in West Java, but due to the developing important issues in chiming with Islamic history and tradition, this journal then involves broader scholars and historians with themes on various local traditions and history.

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    ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum dan Kemanusiaan

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    Journal of Psychology Students


    >JoPS : Journal of Psychology Students is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal for psychology students. JoPS currently managed by highly motivated students of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. JoPS  is published twice a year on May and November. This journal welcomes any research methodologies (i.e. quantitative, qualitative, mixed method) as long as it meets the standard publication of this journal. JoPS is here to give students the opportunity to experience their first steps to become researchers.

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    Jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Syariah (AKSY)

    E-ISSN 2656-548X
    P-ISSN 2655-9420

    URL: https://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/aksy

    Jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Syariah (AKSY) is a peer-reviewed and open access (OA) journal that is published twice a year, every January and July (six months). Published by Islamic Accounting Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SGD Bandung.

    This journal concentrates on the studies of accounting and sharia business sciences. Also, communicating the results of research, ideas, theories, methods, and other actual problems related.

    Jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Syariah (AKSY) published by Accounting Department, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN SGD Bandung in collaboration with INSTITUT AKUNTAN PUBLIK INDONESIA KORWIL JAWA BARAT, Click Here for Read MoU.

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    SIYASI: Jurnal Trias Politica

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    Journal titleVARIA HUKUM: Jurnal Forum Studi Hukum dan Kemasyarakatan
    DOI Prefix10.15575/vh by 
    Frequency2 issues per year (January and July)
    Print ISSN2085-1154
    Online ISSN2798-7663
    Editor-in-chiefE. Hasbi Nassaruddin
    Managing EditorDian Rchmat Gumelar
    PublisherIlmu Hukum, FSH UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar | Moraref | Dimensions | Garuda 

    VARIA HUKUM: Jurnal Forum Studi Hukum dan Kemasyarakatan is a periodical scientific journal published by the Law Studies Program, Faculty of Sharia and Law, State University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. The birth of the VARIA HUKUM journal is inseparable from the transformation of IAIN into UIN. This transformation has encouraged the delivery of faculties/general study programs and strengthened the existing faculties/religious studies programs. One of the general study programs is the law study program. The characteristics developed by the Legal Studies study program at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung are a legal, educational institution that can integrate the existence of sharia-based legal scholarship. This is a distinct colour in the world of higher legal education. The Journal of Varia Hukum is published every six months, in January and July.

    The review process in this journal employs a double-blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.


    articletamplate150 submissiondrakblue150 authordarkblue150 editordarkblue150 reviewerdarkblue150        


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    Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah


    Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah is a periodical scientific journal published by the Department of Sharia Economic Law at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, in collaboration with the Sharia Economic Community (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah/MES) West Java and the Association of Indonesian Sharia Economic Law Study Programs and Lecturers (Perkumpulan Program Studi Dan Dosen Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia /POSDHESI).

    Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah is a journal that focuses on the development of Islamic Economics. The journal comprehensively examines various aspects of current and emerging laws and economics relevant to the field. The journal board welcomes articles from scholars, professionals, researchers, and students as a collective effort toward the advancement of Islamic economics, submitted manuscripts will be published and disseminated. The journal releases new issues twice annually, in January and July.

    Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah focuses on the main issues in the development of Islamic Economics, covering conceptual ideas and research findings related to the following areas:

    1. Islamic Economics Law

    2. Islamic Banking and Finance

    3. Islamic Business

    4. Islamic Law

    5. Islamic Marketing

    6. Islamic Philanthropy

    7. Islamic Human Capital

    8. Halal Supply Chain Management

    9. Halal Industry

    10. Other Topics Related to Islamic Economics


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    Al-Ahwal Al-Syakhsiyyah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Peradilan Islam

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    Hijai - Journal on Arabic Language and Literature

    Hijai Journal is managed by Arabic Department, State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati and Asosiasi Prodi Bahasa dan Sastra Arab (AP-BSA).  We give room to researchers and academicians to publish their work that may take form of research report, review, analysis, dialectic, theoretical application and criticism around recent issues related to:

    1. Arabic language typology
    2. Arabic linguistics: theory and application
    3. Arabic linguistic corpus
    4. Arabic computation linguistic
    5. Arabic landscape linguistics
    6. Arabic ethnolinfuistics
    7. Arabic socio-linguistics
    8. Arabic language and media
    9. Arabic language and culture
    10. Literary criticism
    11. Literary history
    12. Arabic literature and media
    13. Arabic literature and culture

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    Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education

    1. Journal Title: Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education
    2. Initials: Al-Aulad
    3. Online ISSN: 2620-5238
    4. Print ISSN:2615-5605
    5. DOI: 10.15575/al-aulad
    6. Editor in Chief: Asis Saefuddin
    7. Frequency: March and September
    8. Publisher: Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung-Indonesia

    Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education is published by the Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung-Indonesia, published periodically twice in a year (March and September). The focus of the study is the results of research and theoretical reviews of Islamic primary education. We invite researchers, practitioners, lecturers, and teachers throughout the world to submit scientific articles. All articles will be reviewed by experts before publication. This journal has an online ISSN number (2620-5238) and prints ISSN (2615-5605).

    Al-Aulad: Journal of Islamic Primary Education has been accredited SINTA by The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (SK DIRJEN DIKTI NO.204/E/KPT/2022).

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    TARBIYA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam

    TARBIYA Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam adalah jurnal yang mempublikasikasikan artikel berupa hasil-hasil penelitian dan pengembangan wacana atau opini mutakhir yang terkait dengan Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Materi yang dipublikasikan berisi sumber, metodologi, aplikasi, kelembagaan dan aspek-aspek manajerial lainnya dari Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Redaksi menerima artikel dari para peneliti dan pemerhati Ilmu Pendidikan Islam yang belum pernah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal lain, baik cetak maupun elektronik. Setiap artikel yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ini tidak mewakili atau mencerminkan pendapat dan perspektif dewan redaksi. Penulis artikel sepenuhnya bertanggungjawab untuk temuan penelitian dan wacana atau opininya yang disampaikannya dalam artikel tersebut.

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    International Journal of Islamic Khazanah



    IJIK (International Journal of Islamic Khazanah is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers and reviews the field of Islamic Studies. IJIK is a scientific journal published by the Islamic State University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia. This journal is dedicated to promoting the progress of Islamic Studies by providing a platform for researchers, scientists and academics to publish their research findings and share their knowledge with the wider scientific community. IJIK welcomes submissions from researchers, scientists and academics around the world on a variety of topics including:

    Medical and Islamic

    At present, various methods of treatment have developed rapidly. They have even begun to carry out many experiments using new things, and there is not much literature on how the treatment is from an Islamic perspective.

    History of Islamic Civilization

    We cannot forget history, but the history that IJIK wants is writing that brings new things, such as new evidence, new perspectives, new methods, and makes new contributions to historical research.

    Islamic Thought

    The IJIK journal only follows up articles by discussing issues of Islamic ideology, Islamic organizations, Muslim movements, Theory in Islam, and Islamic political thought from various Islamic religious leaders.


    Our mission is to provide an understanding of Islam that goes beyond academia and takes into account the rapidly evolving social and ethical requirements of today's era. Apart from that, we also want to critically review the image of Islam, history, culture, civilization, and health in current issues regarding Islam. IJIK reinforces comparative religious thinking and enables readers to fully understand core Islamic values. Therefore, IJIK tries to portray the positive and true spirit of Islam.

    Distinctive Features:

    1. No charges for manuscript submission, processing, or publication
    2. DOI of your articles
    3. Open access
    4. Proofreading, reference checking and formatting services
    5. International circulation (Click)
    6. Your manuscript will undergo a thorough peer review to meet the highest research quality standards. Expert editors and in-house production professionals work with you every step of the way to ensure that your book looks great and is free of errors.
    7. Very wide spread of articles with various media such as YouTube (more than 500 subscribers), Instagram (500 more followers) and Facebook (500 friends).
    8. Each article will be made into a video and published on the YouTube Journal
    9. Since 2021 the journal has experienced an increase in citations from reputable journals.
    10. Fast Respons 

    Internasional Journal of Islamic Khazanah Impact Factor

    SCOPUS Impact Factor (Last Update April 7,2023) :

    Total: Seventeen citations

    Citation Country from:

    1. Indonesia
    2. Nigeria
    3. Malaysia
    4. United Kingdom
    5. United States

     Google Scholar Impact :


    Copernicus Impact :

    ICV : 92,20

    Submission Proses

    Author Submit  

    Administrator Check   (one week)

    1. Maximum Turnitin Result 20%

    2. Appropriate Scope (Islamic studies)

    3. Journal Enclosure Style (APA 7th Edition)

    Rejected or Sent to Editorial Board

    Editorial board check  (three to four weeks)

    Checking the suitability of articles with four indicators: Articles that enter the review stage have at least 3-4 of the following elements

    1. Change
    2. Controversy
    3. Trends
    4. Emergency

    Which is connected with the main theme of the journal, namely Islamic Today.

    Rejected or Sent to Reviewer

    Reviewer Stage (one until six months)

    1. Blind Review
    2. There are at least two reviewers

    Editorial Board Stage (one to four weeks)

    1. Assessment of the review results will be carried out by the editorial board
    Rejected or Revision

    Editorial Board dan Editor Advisory Stage (one to four weeks)
    1. Assessment of the results of the Revision will be carried out by the editorial and advisory editors
    Rejected or Sent to Editor in Chief

    Editor In Chief (two to four Weeks)

    1. Decide whether the article is accepted or rejected after receiving input from the Editorial Board and Advisory Editor.

    Rejected or Sent to Administrator for Copy Edit and Proofread Stage

    Copy Editing Stage (one week)

    1. The author checks the article's final draft and completes the administrative requirements. Such as, sending Curriculum Vitae and Copy Right Agreement

    Proofreading Stage (one week)

    1. Final check before publishing when a professional proofreader has proofread it


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    OIKOS is a periodical scientific journal that publishes various results of studies and research, literature review, and other scientific works whose scope covers the field of economics, business and management in monodisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary manners. The journal aims to expand and create innovative concepts, theories, paradigms, perspectives and methodologies in the above said scope. The Journal is published twice a year (january and july) by Faculty of Sharia & Law, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung.

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    Mabrur: Academic Journal of Hajj and Umra

    Mabrur: Journal of Hajj and Umra adalah jurnal  yang dapat diakses publik yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S-1 Manajemen Haji dan Umrah Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung dan bekerja sama dengan Perkumpulan Ahli Manajemen Haji dan Umrah (PAMHU).

    Mabrur: Journal of Hajj and Umra terbit pertama kali pada Volume 1 No. 1. tahun 2022. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun, setiap bulan Maret dan September

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    IQTISADIYA: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Islam

    ISSN 2089-8827 (Print)
    ISSN 2774-2997 (online)

    URL: https://journal.uinsgd.ac.id/index.php/iqtisadiya


    IQTISADIYA adalah Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Islam, yang diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun, setiap Januari dan Juli. Diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S2 (Magister) Ekonomi Islam, Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

    Jurnal ini berkonsentrasi dan bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan hasil-hasil kajian dan penelitian tentang ilmu ekonomi Islam. Juga, mengkomunikasikan hasil penelitian, gagasan, teori, metode dan masalah aktual lainnya yang terkait.


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    ALHAZEN Journal of Physics

    ALHAZEN Journal of Physics (P-ISSN: 2407-7739, E-ISSN: 2407-9073) is a peer-reviewed journal on science physics, applied physics, Islamic-Science, and so on. This journal is published by Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The paper will be indexed by Google Scholar and IPI.

    The ALHAZEN's journal layout can be download here.

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    Jaqfi: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam

    JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam (E-ISSN 2714-9420, P-ISSN 2541-352X), is a scholarly journal published by the Department of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, Faculty of Ushuluddin, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, in collaboration with Asosiasi Aqidah dan Filsafat IslamIt was first published in print in 2016, with publication schedules in April and October.

    JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam focuses on academic publications within the realm of philosophy, specifically Islamic philosophy and Islamic Theology, encompassing.

    General philosophy and Islamic Philosophy studies, spanning various sub-topics:

    1. Peripatetic Philosophy (Masya’iyah)
    2. Illuminationist Philosophy (Isyraqiyah)
    3. Philosophy of Existence (Wujudiyah)
    4. Transcendence Theosophy (Filsafat Hikmah Muta’aliyah)
    5. Contemporary Islamic Philosophy
    6. Modern Philosophy
    7. Postmodern Philosophy
    8. Political Philosophy

    Aqidah studies including:

    1. Classical Islamic Theology
    2. Modern Islamic Theology
    3. Contemporary Islamic Theology
    4. Philosophy of Religion

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    Diroyah : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Hadis

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    JAPRA (Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal)



    JAPRA (Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal) is a scientific journal which discussed about the results of the research, the development of scientific and development of innovative work that are relevant to the scope of Islamic Education of Early Childhood (PIAUD/PGRA). The journal is published by the Department of Islamic Education of Early Childhood UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and 4th rank accredited by SINTA.


    The editorial board inviting the lecturers and practitioners in the scope of early childhood education to participate for submitting the articles journals related to the early childhood education. The article will be published after going through the manuscript selection mechanism, reviewing, and the editing process. The whole article which published an outlook and become the responsibility of the author and do not represent the JAPRA (Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal) or institutions affiliated authors.  JAPRA (Jurnal Pendidikan Raudhatul Athfal) published twice a year in March and September.

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    Title proper



    Abbreviated key-title


    Al-Khidmat (Online)

    Parallel title


    Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

    Subject: Dewey





    Pusat Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

    Dates of publication


    2018- 9999




    Type of resource









    Indexed by




    Jurnal Al-Khidmat, with registered number ISSN 2623-2006(print), ISSN 2654-4431 (online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Pusat Pengabdian LPPM of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. It is at the national level that covers many common problems or issues related to community services. This journal publication aims to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services.

    A Khidmat is a bi-annual refereed journal which draws on research concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. The journal aims to provide a forum as well as a publishing platform for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices related to engagement activities. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on conceptual frameworks, theories, implementation, practices, and policies related to community engagement.

    Al-Khidmat Journal  integrates teaching, research, and community engagement in all disciplines, addressing critical problems identified through a community-participatory process.

    Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscripts to the editorial office of Al Khidmat should obey the writing guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will BE REJECTED by the editors before further review. The editors will only accept manuscripts that meet the assigned format. Please submit your manuscript. Please Download the Template HERE.

    Focus and Scope

    This journal publication aims to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. Al Khidmat particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as follows:
    • Education for Sustainable Development.
    • Community Services, People, Local Food Security, Nutrition and Public Health;
    • Training, Marketing, Appropriate Technology, Design;
    • Community Empowerment, Social Access;
    • Student Community Services;
    • Border Region, Less Developed Region.
    • Field of Community Studies
    • Technology Innovation for Village Communities
    • Village Community Development
    • Policy for Village Communities
    • Village government governance
    • All fields related to Community Service

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    Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama

    Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama (ISSN: 2089-8835; E-ISSN: 2722-2772) is a scientific journal focusing on studies and research of Religious Studies, especially in Indonesia. It covers religion and Gender, Religion and Radicalism, Religion and Economic, Religion and Social Conflict, Religion and Tourism, Indigenous Religion, World Religion, etc, and using Religious Studies method

    Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama is published twice annually (June and December) by Departement of Religious Studies (Magister and Doctoral Program) Post-Graduate UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, West Java. Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama has been accredited Sinta 4 based on Decree No. 148 / M / KPT / 2020.

    Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama warmly welcomes articles from scholars, researchers, teachers, lecturers of different backgrounds in terms of Religious Studies.

    Articles submitted to Hanifiya: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

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    Indonesian Journal of Halal Research

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    Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab & Kebahasaaraban

    Journal title :
    Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
    Accredited  :
    Sinta 2
    Frequency :
     2 issues per year (June & December)
    DOI :
    prefix 10.15575 by
    Print ISSN :
    Online ISSN :
    Editor-in-Chief :
    Dedih Wahyudin 
    Manager Editor :
    Ade Arip Ardiansyah
    Publisher :
    UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
    Cite Analysis :
    Google Scholar
    Indexing :

    Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaraban is a biannual academic journal published in June and December by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in collaboration with IMLA Indonesia (Association of Arabic Lecturers). It features original, research-based articles on Arabic Language Teaching and Learning and has been accredited as a Sinta 2 academic journal by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia (SK Dirjen Dikti No. 72/E/KPT/2024). Articles in this journal are written in Arabic or English and are assigned a unique DOI number.

    The scope of Ta'lim al-'Arabiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaraban addresses Arabic Language Teaching areas, such as:

    • Arabic for Specific Purposes (ASP)

    • Arabic Second Language Acquisition

    • Curriculum and Instructional Design in Arabic Language Education

    • Institutions of Arabic Teaching

    • Model, Strategy, and Methodologies in Arabic Language Teaching

    • Modern Standard Arabic

    • Studies on Challenges in Learning Arabic

    • Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language

    • The Media & Technology of Arabic Teaching

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    Journal of Asian Social Science Research

    URL: http://cassr.net/jassr/index.php/jassr

    Journal of Asian Social Science Research (ISSN 2721-9399e-ISSN 2721-9593) is a peer-reviewed and open access publication since 2019. It aims to contribute to the development of Asian social science by providing a forum for researchers, academics and policy-makers to publish their research on the broad problems on Asian social science.

    The Journal seeks to publish original research articles and review papers that deal with issues in Asian social science including sociology, anthropology, political science, public administration, education, communication studies, media studies, religious studies, history, and cultural studies.  The Journal also has a strong interest in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies on social science in Asia and related to Asia. The Journal is published twice a year by the Centre for Asian Social Science Research, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia.

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    Journal Title : CALL
    ISSN : 2723-2417 (online)
    DOI : 10.15575/call
    Chief Editor : Dr. Andang Saehu, M.Pd.
    Frequency : 2 issues per year (June & December)
    Publisher : English Literature UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in cooperation with Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu-Ilmu Adab (ADIA) and Linguistic and Literature Association (LITA)
    Indexation : Moraref | Garuda | Dimensions | Sinta Kemdikbud
    E-mail : jcall@uinsgd.ac.id

    CALL (e-ISSN: 2723-2417) is an online academic, open access, and peer-reviewed journal and first published in 2019 presenting critical analysis on English language and literature. The journal covers research or conceptual framework on linguistic issues in various fields, such as, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, critical discourse analysis and others. Several areas of literature include literary history, literary theory, movies, literary criticism, and other related media

    Issues are published twice per year in June and December by Study Programme of English Literature, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. This journal is indexed by Sinta Kemdikbud with third grade (Sinta 3).

    All articles have been published in English. Submissions are open year-around. However, before submitting an article, please ensure that the article fits into CALL's focus and scope, is written in English and follows our author guidelines. Please note that only research and conceptual articles are accepted.

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    Publica: Jurnal Pemikiran Administrasi Negara

    P ISSN : 2085-6555 (Since 2015)
    E ISSN : 2715-9256 
    DOI: 10.15575/jpan
    Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik FISIP UIN SGD Bandung
    Publisher link: ap.uinsgd.ac.id
    Open acces Jurnal : Since 2018
    Language: Only accept and publish articles in English since 2022

    Publica: Jurnal Pemikiran Administrasi Negara is an open-access scholarly peer-reviewed journal written in English. This journal is eternally published three times a year in March, July, and November by the Department of Public Administration Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. Publica urges academicians, researchers, professionals, and practitioners to share and issue their indigenous ideas, empiric studies, and authentic research results. It is supposed to offer worthwhile and usable solutions for public administration defiances in the context of regional, national, and international issues. Therefore, Publica has been collaborating with Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)Dewan Pimpinan Daerah (DPD) Jawa Barat and Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA)Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (DPP) Indonesia

    Publica is available for articles that apply diverse research methods and theoretical approaches. The journal scope contains a number of topics related to public administration and beyond that, such as public policy, bureaucracy, civil service, public finance, public service, collaborative governance, dynamic governance, digital governance, corporate governance, public-private partnership, administrative reform, e-government, local government, organizational development, organizational behavior, knowledge management, human resource development, leadership, performance management. 

    In cooperation with
    Indonesian Association For Public Administration


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    Khazanah Multidisiplin

    Jurnal Multidisiplin e-ISSN 2746-2803 merupakan media ilmiah sebagai wadah publikasi hasil penelitian, kajian pustaka, dan / atau gagasan dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal Khazanah Multidisiplin merupakan wadah publikasi bersama Ilmuwan Humaniora dan Ilmu Sosial, serta IPTEK yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan peradaban manusia ke arah yang lebih baik, antara lain: Ilmu Sosial, Hukum dan Hukum Islam, Pendidikan, Politik, Sains dan Teknologi, dan Linguistik.

    Khazanah Multidisiplin adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala dua tahunan (satu tahun dua publikasi ) yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Sistem Informasi Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. 

    Saat ini khazanah multidisiplin memiliki status akreditasi SINTA 5

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    Politicon : Jurnal Ilmu Politik

    Politicon is an open access and peer-reviewed Political Science Journal. The aim is to disseminate original research and research articles on contemporary political issues. By covering the development of politics & democracy, political parties & elections, defense and security politics, politics & religion, media & digital democracy; regional politics & comparative politics, environmental politics; gender & politics. Politicon has been nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Ristekdikti), No. 225/E/KPT/2022 (December 7, 2022), with the Predicate of Sinta 2. Politicon is published twice a year. The language used for articles and websites is English. Politicon editors and reviewers consist of domestic and foreign political science experts. Politicon is indexed by international indexers, such as DOAJ and Copernicus.

    Politicon : Jurnal Ilmu Politik in collaboration with Asosiasi Prodi Ilmu Politik Seluruh Indonesia ( MOU )

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    Ministrate: Jurnal Birokrasi dan Pemerintahan Daerah


    Jurnal Birokrasi dan Pemerintahan Daerah,  is an open-access scholarly peer-reviewed journal written in English. The journal publishes articles of scientific research and community service from various Universities in Indonesia. The journal is constantly published four times a year, in February, Mei, Agustus,  and December, by the Department of Public Administration Faculty of Social dan Political Sciences UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.

    This journal covers a number of topics related to Bureaucracy, Local Government, Public Policy, Public Services, E-Government, Administrative Reform, Organizational Development, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Development, Leadership, Knowledge Management, Law, and Performance Management, and other topic related to social sciences.


    In cooperation with:
    Indonesian Association For Public Administration



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    Saksama: Jurnal Sastra

    Saksama: Jurnal Sastra is a twice-yearly open access journal starts on the structural, post-structural, post-modern, comparative and post-colonial approaches to the critical analysis and interpretation of literature, with a special preference given to underrepresented works. Articles submitted should offer a critical viewpoint on modern works and contribute to ongoing literary discussions.


    Saksama: Jurnal Sastra is published by the Faculty of Adab dan Humanities, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The journal is now processed on the recognition of Indonesian National Agency for Research and Innovation (SINTA).

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