Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Publication Ethics
All parties involved in the publishing process or publication of the Asy-Syari'ah Journal, i.e., Manager, Editor, Reviewer, or Author should understand and adhere to the norms or ethics of scientific publications. This requirement is based on the Head of LIPI Regulation no. 5 of 2014 on the Code of Scientific Publication. Basically, scientific papers for publication should consider the ethical values of publication: (i) Neutrality (free from conflicts of interest in the management of publications); (ii) Justice (respect the authorship rights); and (iii) Honesty (free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publication).
A. Duplication is publishing the same article in more than one publisher without updating content, data, and/or citing previous publications;
B. Fabrication is producing fake data;
C. Falsification is altering the data with the intent to conform to the researcher's wishes through the manipulation of research material, or research process, alter or exclude certain data or results in such a way that the research is not presented accurately;
D. Plagiarism is misusing ideas, thoughts, processes, objects, and results of the research, in the form of data or words/phrases, including research materials, research plans, and manuscripts without listing the source as an appreciation of pre-existing scientific work.
Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Manager
- Determine the name of the journal, scope of science, publication frequency, and submission of accreditation if necessary.
- Determine the membership of the editorial board.
- Respect confidential issues for the researchers, writers, editors, and reviewers.
- Review the journal policy and share it to the authors, editorial boards, reviewers, and readers.
- Identify published manuscripts in other scientific journals, to avoid duplicate publications.
- Provide guidance to the editors and reviewers.
- Publish the journal regularly.
- Ensure the availability of funding to maintain journal publication.
- Build networking and marketing for partnership.
- Prepare the license and other legality aspects.
Duties and Responsibilities of Editor
- Select articles to fit the readers' needs,
- Improve the quality of publications continually,
- Implement procedures to ensure the quality of published articles,
- Prioritize the freedom of opinion objectively,
- Maintain the integrity of the author's academic record,
- Deliver corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies as needed,
- Responsible for the style and format of article writing, while the contents and all statements in the article are the responsibility of the author,
- Actively soliciting the opinions of authors, readers, reviewers, and members of the editorial board to improve the quality of publications,
- Remind the researchers about the ethical publications,
- Evaluate the impact of publication policy on the authors and partners to improve responsibility and minimize errors,
- Have an open-minded viewpoint to the new or contrary opinions,
- Avoid non-objective decision by not relying on self, authors, or third party opinions,
- Encourage authors to make improvements to the article before it published.
Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
- Receive the assignment from the editor to review the article and submit the review to the editor, to determine the feasibility of an article to be published.
- Reviewer shall not review the articles related to him or her, either directly or indirectly.
- Maintain the author's privacy by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations.
- Encourage the authors to make improvements to the article.
- Review the revised article as requested by the editor.
- Provide constructive feedback on articles received with improvement.
- Before accepting/rejecting the article, consider whether the article is in line with the field of knowledge/expertise of the reviewer, and whether they can finish the reviewing tasks.
- The results of the review will contribute to the decision of editorial board whether the article deserves to be published or not.
- Provide comments and special notes on each section in the article.
- In making recommendations of the review results, the reviewer need to explain in detail their reasons and judgments in deciding whether the articles are accepted, rejected or revised.
Duties and Responsibilities of Authors
- Ensure that the author(s) meets the criteria as follows: (a) have a significant contribution to the planning, compilation, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the data; (b) contribute significantly to the preparation, revision and finalization of the articles; and (c) be responsible for the accuracy and integrity of scientific writing.
- Submit the manuscript of the article in accordance with the guideline or template provided.
- Use the reference manager application.
- Ensure consistency of authors identities and the number of authors who are registered in the submission process and those listed on the article.
- Include the institution's email address in the identity section.
- Explain the limitations of the study.
- Respond to comments made by the reviewer professionally and on time.
- Inform the editor in case the author wants to retrieve the submitted article submission.
- Declare the origin of the resources (including funding), either directly or indirectly.
Asy-Syari'ah uses license CC-BY-SA or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly works. This license permits anyone to compose, repair, and make derivative creations even for commercial purposes, as long as appropriate credit and proper acknowledgment of the original publication from Asy-Syari'ah is made to allow users to trace back to the original manuscript and author. Readers are also granted full access to read and download the published manuscripts, reprint, and distribute the manuscript in any medium or format.
The papers published in the Asy-Syari'ah will be considered retracted in the publication if:
- They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of misconduct (e.g. data fabrication) or honest error (e.g. miscalculation or experimental error)
- the findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper crossreferencing, permission or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication)
- it constitutes plagiarism
- it reports unethical research
The mechanism of retraction follows the Retraction Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) which can be accessed at
Article withdrawal
This circumstances can occur if the initial version of the article contains an error, or may have been accidentally sent twice to both Asy-Syari'ah and/or a different publisher. In addition, it can also occur due to an element of infringements of the scientific code of ethics, such as double submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Articles that meet the element of infringements of the code of ethics upon the awareness of the author can make a withdrawal of his article accompanied by a letter of statement withdrawal addressed to the editorial board of Asy-syari'ah.
Article retraction
A retraction is carried out if an article is indicated to have Infringements of scientific ethical codes, such as double submissions, false claims of authorship, plagiarism, self-morningism, fraudulent use of data, fake authors or the like. Also, a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. A retraction of an article by the author or editor under the advice of the editorial board of Asy-Syari'ah. There are several forms of recraction carried out by Asy-Syari'ah, i.e.:
- If the infragements of the scientific code of ethics are indicated before the article published, the editor will return the manuscript to the author accompanied by a retraction letter from the Chief Editor;
- If the infragements of the scientific code of ethics are indicated after the article published, there are several mechanisms that can occur:
- A retraction note titled “Retraction: [article title]” signed by the authors and/or the editor is published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list.
- The online article is preceded by a screen containing the retraction note. It is to this screen that the link resolves; the reader can then proceed to the article itself.
- The original article is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the .pdf indicating on each page that it is “retracted.”
- The HTML version of the document is removed.
Article removal: legal limitations
In an extremely limited number of cases, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database of Asy-Syari'ah. This will only occur where the article is clearly defamatory, hoax, infringes others’ legal rights, a court order, and endangering state security. In these circumstances, while the metadata (Title and Authors) will be retained, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating the article has been removed for legal reasons.
Article replacement
In cases where the article, if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk, the authors of the original article may wish to retract the flawed original and replace it with a corrected version. In these circumstances the procedures for retraction will be followed with the difference that the database retraction notice will publish a link to the corrected re-published article and a history of the document.