Fashion: Akumulasi Modal dan Habituasi Pada Praktik Dakwah Komunitas Hijrah

Wisnu Pudji Pawestri, Siti Kholifah


The diversity of religious practices forms a new pattern, where each community is challenged to be 'in tune' with the current trend and situation. The pattern challenges each community to compete with others to provide good bargaining power so the audience is in the discourse that they produced. To propagate hijrah discourse, Taubah Muslim (Community’s name is disguised) community uses fashion as a strategy in da’wah activism. Taubah Muslim hijrah community is a community that persuades millennials to hijrah through da'wah. Fashion in this context is positioned as a medium as well as a 'new way' to approach the da'wah target. This article puts fashion as a social practice in which there are forms of representation and expression of Islamic values. Using a descriptive qualitative method, this article highlights how fashion is used and chosen by agents in da’wah arena as a strategy to reproduce hijrah discourse. Based on Pierre Bourdieu's social practice theory, the results of the analysis conclude that fashion is used as a placement strategy to encourage perceptions of shared identity. Furthermore, fashion functionally is used as an acculturation technique to approach the da'wah target (young generation). The choice of fashion as a da'wah strategy is based on habitus and capital owned by agents in the da'wah arena. Then, Fashion is treated as a representation of other meanings that are presented by agents to create reality, which is based on their habitus and capital. The existence of capital becomes an important thing for the community to maintain, strengthen, and differentiate (distinction) with others in achieving a dominant position, namely in terms of propagative hijrah discourse

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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167292 Speed: 0.219 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167293 Speed: 0.231 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167294 Speed: 0.252 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167296 Speed: 0.221 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167299 Speed: 2.365 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167300 Speed: 0.237 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167301 Speed: 0.247 ms
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SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167302 Speed: 0.221 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167303 Speed: 0.251 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167303 Speed: 0.225 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167304 Speed: 0.252 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167304 Speed: 0.240 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167305 Speed: 0.280 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167305 Speed: 0.275 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167306 Speed: 0.260 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167306 Speed: 0.217 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167307 Speed: 0.262 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167307 Speed: 0.220 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167308 Speed: 2.043 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167308 Speed: 0.245 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167309 Speed: 0.253 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167309 Speed: 0.243 ms
SELECT * FROM citation_settings WHERE citation_id = 167310 Speed: 0.330 ms
SELECT * FROM metadata_descriptions WHERE assoc_type = 1048579 AND assoc_id = 167310 Speed: 0.231 ms
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa INNER JOIN articles a ON pa.article_id = a.article_id LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) INNER JOIN article_settings ast ON a.article_id = ast.article_id WHERE ast.setting_name = pub-id::publisher-id AND ast.setting_value = 9814 Speed: 11.042 ms
SELECT pa.*, a.*, COALESCE(stl.setting_value, stpl.setting_value) AS section_title, COALESCE(sal.setting_value, sapl.setting_value) AS section_abbrev FROM published_articles pa, articles a LEFT JOIN sections s ON s.section_id = a.section_id LEFT JOIN section_settings stpl ON (s.section_id = stpl.section_id AND stpl.setting_name = title AND stpl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings stl ON (s.section_id = stl.section_id AND stl.setting_name = title AND stl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sapl ON (s.section_id = sapl.section_id AND sapl.setting_name = abbrev AND sapl.locale = en_US) LEFT JOIN section_settings sal ON (s.section_id = sal.section_id AND sal.setting_name = abbrev AND sal.locale = en_US) WHERE pa.article_id = a.article_id AND a.article_id = 9814 Speed: 0.665 ms
Speed: 0.446 ms
SELECT * FROM article_galley_settings WHERE galley_id = 4841 Speed: 0.352 ms
SELECT * FROM article_settings WHERE article_id = 9814 Speed: 1.690 ms
Speed: 0.351 ms
SELECT r.* FROM referrals r WHERE r.article_id = 9814 AND r.status = 2 Speed: 1.259 ms
18.58 MB

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