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Author Guidelines

al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan is published by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The main objective of this periodical publication is to publish original and scientific contributions to pure and applied chemistry. What is meant by pure chemistry here traditionally concerns the study of special fields of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Analytical Chemistry, while in applied chemistry we focus on the publication of the results of the application of chemistry in the fields of food, energy, and environment. al Kimiya Journal publishes short communication and research articles in English.

In our perspective, chemistry must also be able to support the needs of Muslims in carrying out their worship, so that we also receive and publish the results of their chemical and applied research which are classified as contributing to the problem of Islamic religious values. We also support the publication of scientific findings in the field of chemistry.

al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan publishes scientifically valuable manuscripts that can help to understand and affirm the concepts of chemistry, both related to fundamental issues and in their applied perspective. Publish twice a year, June and December.

1.    The scope of the journal

The scope of al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan's publication included general studies and special studies. The general studies are pure chemistry in general and in specific fields as follows:

  • Study of inorganic, organic, and biochemical substances/materials that have traditionally been successively entered into studies of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry. Some examples of specific topics from the study of these substances are bioinorganic, bioorganic, organometallic, heterogeneous catalysts, transition metal chemistry and coordination chemistry (complex), metabolism, enzymology, natural material chemistry, and solids.
  • Study of the physical and chemical properties of matter and their changes that have traditionally entered into the study of physical chemistry. Some examples of specific topics from this study are reaction kinetics and mechanisms, surface chemistry, polymers, dyes, thermo (dynamics) chemistry, theoretical chemistry, and computation, membrane, catalysis, radiochemistry, electrochemistry, photochemistry and spectroscopy.
  • Experimental studies and chemical instrumentation that have traditionally entered into analytic chemistry studies. Some examples of specific topics from this study are spectroscopy, microscopy, and chromatography.


Specific studies that can be raised in the publication of al Kimiya: Jurnal Ilmu Kimia dan Terapan in general are as follows:

  • Study of applied chemistry in the field of food. Some examples of specific topics from this study are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, additives, food coloring agents, and food chemical technologies related to these topics.
  • Study of applied chemistry in the energy field. Some examples of specific topics from this study are photochemistry, cell chemistry fuel, biomass, petroleum and natural gas fuels, renewable chemical energy sources, and chemical energy conversion;
  • Study of applied chemistry in the field of environment. Some examples of specific topics from this study are soil chemistry, aquatic chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, green chemistry, toxicology, and water treatment.
  • Pure chemistry studies as well as applied in the problem of local wisdom. This study was inspired by the lack of habits (traditions) in local tribe customs or culture related to the use of substances from nature. "Back to Nature" can be the ultimate term to describe the contribution of culture to modern traditions that are more prudent in managing nature.
  • Pure and applied chemistry studies to understand the universality values of Islam rahmatan lil alamin.

2.    Types of contributions

The fields of scientific study above can be raised in al-Kimiya in the following two forms:

Short communication, in the form of a brief report on the results of studies that have innovation and academic values. This short communication is limited to three pages of the journal. After publication, the text in the full text can be re-published in this journal or other journals.

Articles, in the form of original reports from the results of a systematic and complete innovation study in the field of pure and applied chemistry as intended in the scope of this Journal.


3.    Acceptance of manuscript

Manuscripts that have been sent by the editor and received by the editor are unpublished manuscripts (except in the form of abstracts or parts of academic theses/dissertations) and are not under consideration for publication in any media and language, have no copyright infringement problems, and all the author and all authorities responsible for the manuscript have agreed to all the requirements set by the editor.

If the text contains references to unpublished research, a copy of the text must be included for the expert review process.

If the images and tables in the manuscript are taken directly from copyrighted sources, the author must be willing to show written permission from the copyright owner and mention the source in the text.

Short communication received must include a brief statement from the author explaining the significance of the paper and why it is very important to be published. In this type of short communication text the abstract must be entered.

There are no fees charged to the authors whose texts are accepted and approved to be published.

To submit a script, follow these steps:

- The author creates an account on the web

- Select the "Register" menu

- Fill in the author/author's identity as stated on the web.

- After having an account, select the login menu

- Enter using the username and password that was created

- Select "New Submission" and follow the next steps until successfully submit with the "Awaiting assignment" status.

- The form of the uploaded file must be in the .docx format.

- If anyone wants to be asked, please contact the e-mail address.

Manuscripts must be submitted by the first author's account, which must accept responsibility for the benefit of all authors in all scientific ethical requirements. The author who submits the manuscript will be registered as the corresponding writer in the version published from each received text.

4.    Editorial and Publications

All that is related to editorial (editing) including receipt, review, revision, editing, proofs, and published manuscripts will only be sent to the author of correspondence via e-mail. All correspondence regarding the manuscript must be titled "Manuscript - Chemistry Journal - Field". For fields in the title must be filled with the closest fields of chemistry or applied studies (eg Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food, Religion).

Editing and review. All texts received will be reviewed first by the managing editor. Manuscripts that do not meet the general rules for publication in this journal will be rejected without further review by expert editors in their fields. Manuscripts that pass the assessment from the next managing editor will be sent to two or more expert editors for review. The identity of the editor (editor) is confidential, but the author's identity is known by expert editors. In general, the editors of this expert will submit their comments within one to two months. All expert editor comments will be sent to the author without a statement of whether the manuscript is accepted or not.

Revised text. After review by an expert editor, if a revision has the potential as an accepted text, the author must return the revision via e-mail to the maximum within 4 weeks. If the author is late in returning his revision, the text can still be published in the next issue of the al Kimiya journal. The revised paper must be accompanied by part-by-part responses made by all reviewers. All revised contents must be marked (underlined) in the text to help further study. The final decision of a paper accepted or rejected will be determined by the Editorial Board.

Editing and proofs. The papers received are edited copies to adjust to the specifics of the journal and layout. Pre-printed pages in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the correspondent author who will check the letter arrangement and editing errors. Corrections must be submitted as soon as possible (no more than five working days).

Offprint print copy. A copy of the printed copy will be given to 10 copies to one group of authors accompanied by a copy of the edition, at no charge.


5.    Writing the script

Manuscripts must be written in Indonesian and/or in good and standard English (to avoid unnecessary errors it is strongly recommended to use "spell-check" and "grammar-check" features in MS Word for English texts or abstract section for Indonesian scripts, currently, only MS Word files are received by editors when preparing to write a script, use A4 paper, 12 Times New Roman fonts, 1.5 spaces, and a single column. simple, all pictures and tables must be placed together in the script file, make the page numbers arranged in a sequence starting from 1.

Recommended arrangement of texts

Short communication. Title, name/author names, author affiliation, footnote (address of author correspondence), abstract (this will not be published but will be used for expert editor review, keywords, script body parts (without more subtitles), thanks (optional), and references.

Article. Title, name/names of authors, affiliations, footnotes (address of author correspondence), abstracts, keywords, introduction, experiments, results and discussion (with appropriate subtitles), conclusions (in one paragraph), glossary (optional), thank you (optional), and reference.

Title. The title must be clear and concise describing the pressure and content of the paper. Avoid serial numbers, abbreviations, and formulas whenever possible.

Name / names of authors and affiliates. Provide the full name of the author, full address, city, and postal code of the affiliates of the authors under the names/names of authors. Show with sequential numbers printed in superscript right after the name / each author's name and also before the affiliate address.

Author of correspondence. Mention the name of the author of the correspondence followed by the telephone/fax number and the e-mail address in the footnote on the title page. The correspondence author is responsible for handling correspondence at all stages of evaluation and publication, and also after publication.

Abstract. a brief and factual abstract consists of only 200 - 300 words for all the texts sent to the editor. In the abstract must be written the introduction, the purposes of the work, the methods, the most significant results, and the conclusions. If necessary, important experimental data must be provided. Avoid using abbreviations in abstracts.

Keywords. Immediately after the abstract, list five to eight keywords that best represent the basic things of the study, avoid plural terms, abbreviations (except abbreviations that have been accepted and characterize chemical terms, such as Ksp), and chemical formulas. The first letter of each keyword is not printed in capital. Separate between keywords with a sign (;). These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.

Divide your article into clear and clear sections.

Introduction. The introduction (special title) must state the purpose of the work and provide sufficient background from the study, its relation to work / previous studies in the same field, questions/problems that must be answered, and the methods used so that the reader can understand and evaluate the results of your work. The previous relevant work carried out by the same author must be stated by reference. Avoid detailed literature or a summary of these results.

Experiment. Provide enough detail to make it easier for others to repeat the experiment. Previously published methods must be stated by reference, but new procedures or modifications must be written in detail. Give the chemical composition. In addition, if research is in the field of computation/theory, the experimental part is adjusted.

Results and Discussion. The results of the study must be presented clearly and concisely, and the discussion must reveal the meaning of the results of the research work. Present the results of observations in text, tables, and images in a logical presentation sequence. Do not repeat data in tables or images in the text.

Pictures and tables. All images and tables must be linked in the text and placed in text close to before the image or table is placed. Image and table numbering must be sequential using Arabic numerals. Information on images and tables must be easily understood without having to read the text that links the information. The same data cannot be displayed in more than one image or table. Tables must be created using the format of MS Word software, and the author must ensure that the data entry resides in the table cell. Schemes and illustrations of chemical structures and reactions must be numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals. In texts that have been received for publication, the images and tables must be of sufficient quality for review by expert editors. It is strongly recommended that all images and illustrations be made with suitable software tools, then the image needs to be converted into a .jpg format with good quality. If the text is accepted, all images tables, and the title and description will be reproduced or edited referring to the journal editorial standard before publication. The author may be asked to provide pictures that meet eligibility (including experimental data) by editorial staff. Writing formulas must use MS Equation, Times New Roman, 10 pts, regular. If many mathematical equations will be mentioned repeatedly, the formula must use numbering. In the text, press is written. 1, 2, 3, etc.

Measuring units, symbols, and abbreviations. All measurements must be expressed in international system units (SI). Other quantities must be converted into SI units. The unit of temperature must be written in °C or K. Make a space between the numbers and units. Each abbreviation must be set first when used in the abstract, the body of the text, and conclusions, by first mentioning the intention or its length, and afterward only the abbreviations are used consistently. Abbreviations used must not be more than five characters (letters, numbers, or punctuation).

Conclusion. For texts that include Articles and Reviews, a conclusion must be written as a summary of the fundamental conclusions of the research work or review. Conclusions must be expressed as a connection between the results and discussion, but it is not a repetition, nor is it the same as abstract. Written no more than one paragraph.

Glossary of terms. If many field-specific terms are used in the text, make a list of definitions in this section.

Acknowledgement notes. Thank you can be conveyed to one or several parties (individuals or institutions) who have provided research funding, technical assistance, materials, and discussions.

Reference. The reference must be written in IEEE style. Within the text, The author's name is listed as first initial, last name. Example: Adel Muhairy would be cited as A. Muhairy (NOT Muhairy, Adel). It is strongly recommended that more than 80% of references be from scientific periodicals not more than the last 10 years and a minimum of 20 references. Reference numbers must be sorted in the order they are mentioned in the text. Note that in the case of more than five authors, only the last name of the first author is cited and the others are denoted by et al. In the References chapter, you should write based on the order of appearances, not alphabetically. Example of references:

[1] M.P. Fewell, "The atomic nuclide with the highest mean binding energy", American Journal of Physics, 63(7), 653-658, 1995,

[2] M. Nurhadi, R. Kusumawardani, W. Wirhanuddin, R. Gunawan, and H. Nur, “Carbon-containing hydroxyapatite obtained from fish bone as low-cost mesoporous material for methylene blue adsorption”, Bull. Chem. React. Eng. Catal., 14(3), 660–671, 2019,

[3] G. Marcelino et al., “β-Carotene: Preventive role for type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity: A review”, Molecules, 25(24), 5803, 2020,

[4] M.K. Akbar, H. Hajrah, and Y. Sastyarina, “Identifikasi metabolit sekunder air seduhan daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) dan bawang dayak (Sisyrinchium palmifolium L.) yang berpotensi sebagai inhibitor ?-Glukosidase”, Proceeding of Mulawarman Pharmaceuticals Conferences, 15, 116–121, May 2022,

[5] P. Bormans, Ceramics are more than Clay Alone. Cambridge: Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2004.



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (USD)

Authors are NOT required to pay an Article Submission Fee.


Article Publication: 80.00 (USD)

Article processing charges (APCs) / Article Publication Fee: 80.00 (USD)

The journal charges publication fee 80.00 USD or 1.200.000 IDR for Indonesian Authors for supporting open access dissemination of research results, handling and editing the submitted manuscripts, managing the journal management and proof reading process.

The authors or the author's institution is requested to pay a publication fee for each article accepted.

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