ABSTRACTMicroeconomic theory is one of the branches of science that is very important in
society, where people to meet their needs will create demand. Studying from an Islamic
and conventional perspective on demand, in general, is almost the same. This study
aims to find out how the theory of demand in Islamic and conventional viewpoints.
Using a descriptive qualitative method, collecting data by combining from several
sources and discussions with students of Islamic economics majoring in Siliwangi
University. So, from the results of research on legal sources that are used by Islamic
boundaries in view of demand, from the existence of different views about commodities
and objectives to be achieved. The main source of the theory of Islamic demand is the
Qur'an, al-hadith, and as-sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Meanwhile, in
conventional theory, human reason is sometimes not even rational when buying a
number of commodities for goods or services.
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