Asep Dadang(1*)

(1) Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This article discusses the objectives and concepts of shari'ah investment. Based on the release of the OJK Investment Alen Task Force, during 2019 there were 444 entities that were terminated for carrying out business activities that were allegedly carried out without permission from the competent authorit y and potentially detrimental to the communit y. Sharia investment is an investment based on sharia principles, both investment in the real sector and financial sector, investment cannot be separated from sharia principles. This research is qualitative with  a  literature study approach with data sources, namely secondary data from previous research and other reference data sources. lnrestment  is an investment activity in the hope that you will get a profit in the future. Islam teaches people to strive for a better life in the world and the hereafter. Having a good life in this world and  in  the hereafter that can guarantee  the  achievement  of  physical  and mental welfare (falah). The purpose  of  investing,  among  others, is to obtain maximum profits, guarantee future, protect  profits, obtain passive income, realize the desire to achieve the afterlife goals. Someone  who  will  make  an  investment  should  pay attention to the conditions that are  prohibited  and  that  are allowed in investing so that it benefits him for the world and the hereafter. With the concept that all propeny and all means of production are essentially God's absolute, whereas humans are only limited to getting the mandate to manage it to be useful in life.


Keywords : Objectives, Concepts, Sharia Investment, Speculation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/aksy.v2i2.9791


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