3R, Kokedama, minyak jelantah, pengabdian, pesantren.Abstract
Edukasi pengelolaan sampah dari sumbernya sangat penting untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Santri Pondok Pesantren sebagai agent of change perlu mendapatkan pelatihan pengelolaan sampah agar menjadi pelopor zero waste management di masyarakat. Pihak pengelola juga merencanakan untuk mengembangkan pondok pesantren yang berwawasan lingkungan. Adapun permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra, meliputi: 1). Belum tersedianya sarana pengelolaan sampah yang cukup; 2) Belum dilakukan pengelolaan sampah dari kegiatan domestik; 3) Santri belum pernah mendapatkan pelatihan kewirausahaan berbasis pemanfaatan limbah. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pengelolaan minyak jelantah serta pembuatan kokedama. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan sosialisasi pengelolaan sampah serta memberikan pelatihan dengan memanfaatkan sampah sebagai bekal untuk berwirausaha berbasis lingkungan. Metode kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi :1). Persiapan (survey dan diskusi); 2). Keterampilan (Sosialisasi materi Pengolahan Sampah dan Pelatihan Waste to Product) dan 3). Evaluasi. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-Oktober 2021. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini terlaksana dengan sukses sesuai dengan target yang direncanakan, meliputi penyaluran bantuan tempat sampah 3R, sosialasi urgensi pengolahan sampah serta pelatihan waste to product. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan meningkatkan wawasan peserta kegiatan akan pengelolaan sampah serta memunculkan proyeksi untuk berwirausaha dengan memanfaatkan sampah
Education on waste management from sources is a very important activity for reducing waste generation in final disposal sites. Islamic boarding school students, as agents of change, should receive training in waste management to become pioneers of zero waste management in their community. The management team also plans to develop an environmentally friendly Islamic boarding school. The problems faced by partners include: 1) a lack of adequate waste management facilities; 2) proper waste management has not been implemented in the Islamic boarding school environment; and 3) the members of the pesantren have never received training in entrepreneurship. The purpose of this activity is to provide socialization on waste management and to provide training by utilizing waste as a source for environmental-based entrepreneurship. The solutions offered are the management of used cooking oil and Kokedama. Methods for the community service activity include: 1) preparation (survey and discussion); 2) dissemination of materials on waste processing and waste-to-product training; and 3) evaluation. The activity was carried out from August to October 2021. This community service activity was carried out successfully, meeting the planned targets, including the distribution of 3R trash bins, socialization on the urgency of waste processing, and waste-to-product training. The results of the evaluation showed that participants' knowledge of waste management increased and they developed projections for entrepreneurship by utilizing waste.
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