Demoralisasi, Panel, Bahasa dan moderasi beragamaAbstract
Efek globalisasi dan disrupsi pada masalah sosial menimbulkan demoralisasi dan deviasi. Wilayah yang mengalami masalah tersebut biasanya mengalami ketidakmampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sehingga terjadi perubahan karakter. Tercatat data di beberapa intansi seperti kejahatan, pelanggaran, perceraian, dan sebagainya meningkat pada setiap tahunnya. Upaya meminimalisir bertambahnya demoral diperlukan rehabilisasi sosial salah satunya dalam bentuk pembudayaan pendidikan karakter baik secara personal maupun lingkungan masyarakat. Pembudayaan pendidikan karakter menjadi penting karena karakter suatu bangsa sangat berperan terhadap pertahanan dan ketahanan eksistensi suatu bangsa. Pengabdian ini diarahkan pada pendampingan Penggunaan Bahasa dan Moderasi Beragama melalui pendekatan panel. Pengabdian ini dimaksudkan agar peserta dapat mengembalikan kognitif sosial pembudayaan pendidikan karakter melalui melalui bahasa dan moderasi beragama dilingkungannya sehingga diharapkan terbangunan mental dan kognitif yang sehat dalam menghadapi persoalan hidup. Subjek adalah para perwakilan dari beberapa organisasi keagamaan dan pemasyarakatan yang ada di Kecamatan Ciparay sebagai sampel. Metode pengabdian menggunakan PAR yang didesain melalui research and development diawali dari studi eksplorasi data, verifikasi model, implementasi model, evaluasi dan pengembangan, selanjutnya dianalisis. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa warga kecamatan Ciparay memahami pentingnya relevansi pendidikan karakter melalui bahasa dan moderasi beragama di masa globalisasi ini dan mereka optimis untuk mewujudkan dalam lingkungannya melalui perubahan pola sikap, pola pikir, pola komunikasi. Pengabdian ini mensarankan sosialisasi di wilayah yang dominan terdapat demoralisasi dan tidak ada faktor pendukung ketahanan karakter.
The effects of globalization and disruption on social problems lead to demoralization and deviation. Areas that experience these problems usually experience an inability to adapt to the environment so that character changes occur. It is recorded that data on several agencies, such as crime, violations, divorce, and so on, are increasing every year. Efforts to minimize the increase in demorality require social rehabilitation, one of which is in the form of cultivating character education both personally and in the community. Cultivating character education is important because the character of a nation plays a very important role in the defense and resilience of a nation's existence. This service is directed at assisting the Use of Language and Moderation of Religion through a panel approach. This dedication is intended so that the participants can restore the cognitive social culture of character education through language and religious moderation in their environment so that they are expected to develop a healthy mental and cognitive in dealing with life's problems. The subjects were representatives of several religious and correctional organizations in Ciparay District as samples. The service method uses PAR which is designed through research and development starting from data exploration studies, model verification, model implementation, evaluation and development, then analyzed. The results of the service show that residents of Ciparay sub-district understand the importance of the relevance of character education through language and moderation of religion in this globalization era and they are optimistic about realizing it in their environment through changes in attitudes, mindsets, and communication patterns. This service suggests socialization in areas where demoralization is dominant and there are no supporting factors for character resilience.
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Yusuf Supriatna, Jurnal,
Liputan Idisi Online, Informasi dan intelegensia,, 5 Juni 2022
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