
  • Andang Saehu UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Hani Hartiani Putri English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities
  • Dewi Putri Nabila English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities
  • Irman Nurhapitudin English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities



International PPL, Field Research, Problem, Implementation, Community Response


Abstrak This paper is an evaluative study to explore and analyze the process of implementing the International PPL, the problems encountered in the implementation of International PPL, and the community responses to the implementation of International PPL. In working with the implementation, International PPL was conducted in three steps: pre-field research activities, whilst field research activities, and post-field research activities.  Some internal and external problems faced in the implementation of this International PPL. The responses to the International PPL implementation were gained from both internal and external communities.

Author Biographies

Andang Saehu, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

A Lecturer of English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

A Supervisor of International PPL

Hani Hartiani Putri, English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

A student joining International PPL

Dewi Putri Nabila, English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

A student joining International PPL

Irman Nurhapitudin, English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

A Lecturer of English Literature Department Faculty of Adab and Humanities

A Supervisor of International PPL


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