Learning, STREAM, Thematic, Elementary School, Natural SciencesAbstract
Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan pembelajaran berbasis STREAM (Sains, Teknologi, Religi, Teknik, Seni dan Matematika) dengan konteks materi gerhana matahari cincin untuk siswa sekolah dasar. Kegiatan edukasi astronomi ini sebagai upaya peningkatan kesadaran keamanan pengamatan dalam mengamati peristiwa gerhana matahari cincin bagi siswa sekolah dasar dengan melalui pendekatan pembelajaran STREAM. Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan sebagai wahana edukasi astronomi dalam menanamkan sebuah pemahaman kesadaran keamanan kepada siswa SD dalam mengamati peristiwa gerhana matahari disalah satu sekolah dasar kota Cirebon dan Bandung. Melalui kegiatan ini diharpkan guru – guru dan siswa dapat lebih eksplorasi kreatfitas pengajaranya, menyenangi, siap berpartsipasi dalam pendidikan astronomi bagi anak sedari dini di pembelajaran IPA menjadi menyenangkan dalam memahami konten fisika mengenai astronomi. Menjelang akhir tahun nanti, tepatnya pada tanggal 26 Desember 2019, masyarakat Indonesia akan mendapat kesempatan untuk menyaksikan sebuah peristiwa astronomi yang langka dan spektakuler, yaitu Gerhana Matahari Cincin. Pengabdian ini diadakan pada bulan November - Desember 2019 di salah satu sekolah dasar kabupaten Bandung dan kota Cirebon. Kegiatan ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap termasuk mengenai Implementasi STREAM kepada guru kelas seperti paparan STREAM, penjelasan tentang merancang pembelajaran berbasis STREAM dan Impelementasi Hasil Rancangan pembelajaran berbasis STREAM di kelas yang telah di sepakati untuk dijalankan program. Kuesioner guru dan siswa diberikan untuk mengumpulkan data tentang respon atas pembelajaran STREAM yang di impelemntasikan.
This service aims to implement STREAM-based learning (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) with the context of ring solar eclipse material for elementary school students. This astronomy education activity is an effort to increase awareness of observation security in observing ring solar eclipse events for elementary school students through the STREAM learning approach. This activity is intended as a vehicle for astronomical education in instilling an understanding of security awareness to elementary students in observing solar eclipse events in one of the elementary schools of the cities of Cirebon and Bandung. Through this activity teachers and students are expected to be more able to explore the creativeness of their instructors, enjoy, be prepared to participate in astronomy education for children from an early age in learning science to be fun in understanding the physics content about astronomy. Towards the end of the year, precisely on December 26, 2019, the people of Indonesia will have the opportunity to witness a rare and spectacular astronomical event, the Ring Solar Eclipse. This service is held in November - December 2019 in one of the elementary schools in Bandung regency and Cirebon city. This activity is carried out through several stages including the Implementation of STREAM to classroom teachers such as STREAM exposure, explanation of designing STREAM-based learning and Implementation of STREAM-based learning designs in classes that have been agreed to run the program. Teacher and student questionnaires were given to collect data on responses to STREAM learning that was implemented.
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