rattan handicrafts, regional superior products, export potential, appropriate technology.Abstract
Program pengabdian ini diarahkan pada pengembangan produk orientasi ekspor dan inovasi produk pada UMKM Rotan Indah Jepara. Nilai strategis UMKM mitra binaan adalah peningkatan daya saing menuju pasar sasaran ekspor, melalui pendekatan pemberdayaan UMKM pada penerapan teknologi tepat guna, peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi, serta penguatan kapasitas kelembagaan. Pendampingan terhadap Rotan Indah Jepara penting dilakukan mengingat peran strategis industri ini, dalam bentuk peningkatan kesejahteraan pelaku usaha, dan masyarakat sekitar. Dampak keberhasilan dari pelaksanaan program pengabdian ini dilihat dari dampak ekonomi maupun dampak sosial. Dampak dan manfaat kegiatan diantaranya dilihat dari peningkatan jumlah produksi dan omset penjualan, perubahan sosial, serta efektivitas dan peningkatan produktivitas, sebagai dampak dari adanya perubahan pola kerja, sistem dan teknologi yang digunakan.
This community engagement program is directed at developing export-oriented products and product innovation of Rattan Indah Jepara MSMEs. The strategic value of the fostered MSME partners is increasing competitiveness towards export target markets, through the approach to empowering MSMEs in the application of appropriate science and technology, increasing the quality and quantity of production, and strengthening institutional capacity. Assistance to Rattan Indah Jepara is important given the strategic role of this industry, in the form of improving the welfare of business actors and the surrounding community. The impact of the success of the implementation of this program is seen from the economic impact as well as the social impact. The impacts and benefits of the activities can be seen from the increase in the amount of production and sales turnover, social changes, as well as the effectiveness and increase in productivity, as a result of changes in work patterns, systems, and technology used.
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