Discourse Network Analysis of the Pros and Cons of Chemical Castration in Online Media

Riki handayani(1*)

(1) Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


This research explores the pros and cons of chemical castration punishment. It's expressed by actors through discourse debates in online media. The Discourse Coalition Framework (DCF) and Discourse Network Analysis (DNA) method are used to map the discourse debate. The unit of analysis includes 84 statements from 32 news articles. These are drawn from Detik.com news text within the time span of January 2016-December 2022.The results showed a shift in the discourse of chemical castration punishment. Actors, both pro and contra chemical castration punishment, expressed this change. Pro-chemical castration actors initially discussed the norms and objectives of punishment, then shifted to the reasons and purpose of punishment. Conversely, actors who oppose chemical castration initially discussed norms, the purpose of punishment and side effects. They then shifted to discuss norms and human rights.


Discourse Network Analysis, Chemical Castration Punishment, Online Media

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/cjik.v8i1.33516


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