Legal Implementation and Effectiveness of Fulfilling Post Divorce Children

Musidah Musidah(1*)

(1) Hakim Pengadilan Agama Tangerang, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


In the study of Islamic law and positive law, children are the responsibility of parents until the child is an adult. But the most dominant in supporting the child is the male parent since the child came out of the mother's womb. In this study the focus is on the form of implementation and legal effectiveness of the decision on the livelihood of the child which imposes responsibilities to the father after the marriage break up due to divorce. This study aims to understand and analyze relating to the Implementation of Law and the Effectiveness of Post-Divorce Childhood Fulfillment. This study uses a qualitative approach, with the type of socio-legal studies or juridical-empirical research. The results showed that the implementation of the fulfillment of children's livelihoods after the breakup of marriage due to divorce can be said to not fully reach the target (not yet effective). So that judges are deemed necessary to take steps so that the fulfillment of children's living after divorce can be carried out, for the sake of legal certainty of children as victims of divorce from both parents.


Childern, Post divorece, law, Indonesia,

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