In relation to the existing situation, we, the editorial board of International Journal of Nusantara Islam, are aware of the importance of Islamic sciences in order to perceive and criticize what is happening and changing among the communities. Then, we make every possible effort to extrapolate any Islamic theory and concept concerning fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), tarbiyah (education), kalam (Islamic theology), philosophy and the like with the intention of following changes that happens rapidly.

Published: 2025-01-01

New Construction of Dakwah Tabligh Jamaah in Developing The Sprituality of Muslim People in Baja Dolok Village, Sipispis District, Serdang Bedagai District


The Essence of The Tradition of Worrying Graves According to The Community of Tanjung Medan Village, Kampung Rakyat, South Labuhabatu


Digital Strategies for Promoting Religious Moderation: The Role of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama on Social Media


Provision in Muslim Families: Dogma, Role Shifts, and Realities in Bali and Banten


The Intersection Between Normative and Empirical: Madhhab Orientation in Marriage and Divorce Law in Indonesia


Environmental Awareness: A Phenomenological Study of Al-Faruq and Bahrul Hidayah Islamic Boarding Schools in Bandung


The Role of Leadership and Employee Empowerment in Improving the Quality of Islamic Higher Education


Implementation of Strategic Management in Islamic Boarding Schools: Analysis of Constraints and Solutions for Improving Education Quality


Optimizing Knowledge Management Practices for Intellectual Capital Development at Universitas Islam Nusantara
