Hasil dan kualitas benih kedelai pada pola tanam bersisipan dan beruntun

Rudi Hartawan, Yulistiati Nengsih, Adilla Adistya, Edy Marwan


Sequential and continuous cropping patterns are strategy to increase efficiency in soybean seed production. The research aimed to determine the impact of cropping patterns on yield and quality, also to obtain efficiency of manpower, nutrient and planting duration of soybean seed production. The research was conducted from January to October 2019. Soil fertility and compost  analysis  was  done  at  Center  for  Research  and  Development  of  Agricultural Land Resources, Bogor. Field research was at Sebapo experimental station. Proximate analysis was carried out at Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development, Bogor. Seed testing was at Basic Laboratory of Batanghari University, Jambi. The research used completely randomized design with three replications. The treatment was cropping pattern: P0= standard, P1= sequential and P2= continuous. The variables observed were seed yield and quality, efficiency of manpower, nutrient and planting duration. The results showed that the seed yield of continuous cropping pattern decreased 16% and the sequential cropping pattern decreased 7.5%. The continuous cropping pattern increased manpower efficiency 22.88%, nutrient 75.30%, and planting duration 14.63%. The sequential cropping pattern increased manpower efficiency 8.25%, nutrient 75.35%, and planting duration 6.82%. The cropping pattern increased the efficiency of cultivation and did not affect the quality of soybean seed so that it can be used in soybean seed production.


Pola tanam bersisipan dan beruntun merupakan strategi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi produksi benih kedelai. Penelitian bertujuan menetapkan dampak pola tanam terhadap  hasil dan kualitas, serta mendapatkan nilai efisiensi tenaga kerja, hara dan waktu dalam produksi benih kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai Oktober 2019. Analisis kesuburan tanah dan kompos di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian, Bogor. Penelitian lapangan di Balai Benih Induk Palawija, Sebapo. Analisis proksimat di Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian, Bogor. Pengujian benih di Laboratorium Dasar Universitas Batanghari, Jambi. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan lingkungan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan tiga ulangan. Rancangan perlakuan adalah  pola tanam: P0= standar, P1= pola tanam bersisipan dan P2= pola tanam beruntun. Peubah yang diukur adalah hasil dan kualitas benih, efisiensi tenaga kerja, hara dan waktu. Data penelitian menunjukkan hasil benih pola tanam bersisipan turun 16% dan pola tanam beruntun turun 7,5%.  Pola tanam bersisipan meningkatkan efisiensi tenaga kerja 22,88%, efisiensi hara 75,30%, dan efisiensi waktu 14,63%. Pola tanam beruntun meningkatkan efisiensi tenaga kerja 8,25%, efisiensi hara 75,35%, dan efisiensi waktu 6,82%. Pola tanam bersisipan lebih baik daripada pola tanam beruntun. Pola tanam meningkatkan efisiensi proses budidaya dan tidak memengaruhi kualitas benih sehingga dapat digunakan pada produksi benih kedelai.


Efisiensi, Kedelai, Pola tanam, Produksi benih

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/22912


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