Pengaruh Tingkat infeksi antraknosa (Colletotrichum capsici) terhadap viabilitas dan vigor benih tiga varietas cabai besar (Capsicum annuum L.)

Atin Yulyatin, Abdul Qadir, Satriyas Ilyas, Bagus Kukuh Udiarto


The seed certification program in seed health testing hasn’t yet established pathological quality standards for anthracnose disease, even though seed health is important because seeds can act as disease spreaders in processing, storage, and seeding. This study was conducted to determine the maximum infection rate of C. capsici which still met the standard limits for seed viability in three hot pepper cultivars. The experiment was A two-factor complete randomized design replicated four times. The first factor was the hot-pepper cultivars consisting of Biocarpa (resistant), Ciko (tolerant), and Tanjung-2 (susceptible). The second factor was the C. capsici inoculation method on fruit which included no inoculation, one, five, and seven stitches. Variables observed were seed infection rate, also seed viability and vigor. The results showed that the one-stitch inoculation method on CV. Ciko resulted in a 10.2% infection rate and 88% germination, meaning the seeds still met the standard of Foundation Seed. However, the infection rate of Biocarpa and Tanjung-2 were higher (24.5% and 11.3%) and germination percentages were low (68% and 69%), hence, it didn’t meet the minimum standard quality the minimal standard of Extension Seed. There was a significant negative correlation between infection rate and germination percentage, dry weight of normal seedling.


Program sertifikasi benih pada pengujian kesehatan benih belum menetapkan standar mutu patologis penyakit antraknosa, padahal kesehatan benih penting karena benih dapat berperan sebagai penyebar penyakit di pengolahan, penyimpanan dan persemaian. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat infeksi maksimum C. capsici yang masih memenuhi standar mutu benih pada tiga varietas cabai. Rancangan percobaan yaitu acak lengkap dua faktor yang diulang empat kali. Faktor pertama adalah varietas cabai yang terdiri dari Biocarpa (tahan), Ciko (toleran), dan Tanjung-2 (rentan). Faktor kedua adalah metode inokulasi C. capsici ke buah meliputi tanpa inokulasi (kontrol), satu tusukan, lima tusukan, dan tujuh tusukan. Variabel pengamatan meliputi tingkat infeksi, viabilitas serta vigor benih. Hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi tujuh tusukan pada Tanjung-2 menunjukkan tingkat infeksi tertinggi (72,6%) dan daya berkecambah terendah (51%). Metode inokulasi satu tusukan pada Ciko menyebabkan tingkat infeksi 10,2% dan daya kecambah 88%, artinya benih masih memenuhi standar Benih Dasar. Tingkat infeksi Biocarpa dan Tanjung-2 lebih tinggi (24,5% dan 11,3%) dan persentase perkecambahan rendah (68% dan 69%) sehingga tidak lagi memenuhi standar minimal Benih Sebar. Infeksi benih berkorelasi negatif sangat kuat dengan daya berkecambah dan bobot kering kecambah normal. 


Daya Berkecambah, Kualitas Benih, Metode Inokulasi, Penyakit Tular Benih, Tingkat Infeksi

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