Exploring Ho Chi Minh City's Coffee Value Chain through the Unique Intersection of Specialty Coffee and Tourism

Kurniawan Arif Maspul


The study dives into the thriving coffee culture of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and investigates its significant impact on tourism and economic growth. As the world's largest producer of Robusta coffee, Vietnam, notably Da Lat, has emerged as a global coffee production powerhouse, with an increasing emphasis on specialty coffee. The integration of coffee into tourism activities, as well as initiatives to improve quality and sustainability throughout the coffee value chain, demonstrate Vietnam's innovative approach to coffee industry development. The study illuminates the lessons and insights that Vietnam's coffee sector can provide to the global coffee community by investigating the nexus of coffee culture, tourism, and economic empowerment. Vietnam's coffee sector, which combines tradition and innovation, is a fascinating illustration of how coffee can drive economic progress, promote sustainability, and enrich cultural experiences. Vietnam's success has far-reaching ramifications for other coffee-producing countries, providing significant lessons on how to use coffee tourism, improve sustainability standards, and promote economic empowerment for local populations.


Coffee culture, Tourism integration, Economic development, Specialty coffee, Coffee sustainability, Local empowermen

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/ks.v6i1.33762


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