Enhancing Target Accuracy: Insights into the Cash Social Assistance Program
COVID-19, Social Cash Assistance, Social Policy, Target Accuracy.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to describe the target accuracy concept in the Cash Social Assistance Program in the South Banjarmasin District. This article was arranged using a literature review method based on previous research. The literature review stage begins with identifying, evaluating, and interpreting all literature related to the research topic. Identification was carried out by searching online databases and the Internet, including Google Scholar and the UI Library, on research published between 2014 and 2023 using the keywords Target Accuracy and Cash Social Assistance Program. The evaluation was done by sorting the published search results in English or Indonesian so that 38 (thirty-eight) studies regarding targeting accuracy were completed. Based on a literature review of 38 (thirty-eight) previous research results, there are two conclusions based on literature review. In policy implementation, it is necessary to consider the factors that influence it. These namely factors influence the Implementation of the Cash Social Assistance Program, such as the apparatus quality, competence of the apparatus, availability of infrastructure, supervision of distribution, the use of old data, communication, resources, disposition, bureaucratic structure, facilities & Infrastructure, lack of awareness of bureaucrats in carrying out their duties, internet access, community identity that is not updated, form and content of policies, implementing organizations and policy environment, and the existence of gender issues. Meanwhile, in the context of policy evaluation, the performance, impact, and effectiveness of the Cash Social Assistance program need to be considered.
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