Structural Equation Model in Examining the Effect of Organizational Activeness and Learning Achievement on Work Readiness

Renny Candradewi Pusp, Yasinta Rizki Permatasari


Students are agents of change. Students are the holder of the baton from previous generations to carry out the mission of building a more socially just and dignified Indonesia. The role of students is increasingly important as an agent of change. This generation has exceeded the number of generation X generation, they are also called the millennial generation with a myriad of talents, dreams, and ambitions. They mastered digital to be able to compete with developed countries in the midst of global and digital competition. Two important combinations that can change the landscape of the international and global world order. This generation's readiness to fill development is still interesting to study. Through this paper, the study was conducted by presenting a structural equation model (SEM) of two exogenous variables that is Organizational Activity and Learning Achievement of Work Readiness. A total of 133 respondents from two universities in the Probolinggo region were studied using quantitative collection methods so that they can present structural equation models that can explain the relationship of each construct to endogenous and exogenous variables. This will also ultimately lead to the conclusion of a relationship between the exogenous and endogenous variables tested. Research obtains result of  variable of organizational activity affects the variable of learning achievement by .641, while for .359 is influenced by other variables. Then for the variable activity of the organization affects the work readiness variable by .205, while the rest is influenced by other variables that can be further research opportunities. That the work performance variable influences the work readiness variable by .647, and the rest is influenced by other variables outside the research variable. It seems that learning achievement variables influence work readiness variables more than organizational activity variables. 


work readiness, organizational activity, structural equation model of students, learning achievement

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