Religious life in Indonesia in the Study of Post-Modernism

Enkin Asrawijaya


This paper discusses how the religious life in Indonesia in the perspective of postmodernism. This paper is a literature study with information taken from secondary data. Today, religious issues are increasingly difficult to understand and complicated. Physical to structural violence often appears in religious life in Indonesia. The existing pluralistic conditions also affect the aspect of harmony. This is what causes religious consistency to be disrupted, although not all of them lead to conflict, there are still people who uphold tolerance so that religious harmony can be maintained. Human inclination towards religion is due to human nature. However, sometimes there are what are commonly referred to as deviations and conflicts. These conditions ultimately lead to religious intolerance. The case that has occurred is the fact that the existing dialectical path is difficult to find a middle point. Postmodernism offers an attitude of "tolerance" by respecting the existence of religious plurality. This research contributes ideas for religious studies that continue to develop according to the conditions of the times through the view of the postmodernism paradigm.


Postmodernism; religion; tolerance

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