Hermeneutik Pedagogis Maria Magdalena

John C. Simon, M. Ramli


Early Christian tradition placed Mary Magdalene as a sacred woman, who because of her divine God made her worthy of being a witness to the resurrection. Mary became an epitome for many who were awake in faith searching for Him on Easter morning. He is also a model of the church in its pilgrimage seeking God. Using a hermeneutics perspective, dealing with the Bible, Paul Ricoeur clearly distinguishes between reading and interpreting activities, "exegesis" and "hermeneutics". "Interpretation" not only means "exegesis", but "exegesis" as well as "hermeneutics". Productive hermeneutics bear a thesis, that is, the position of faith which contains free ethical choices. It is in this light that Mary Magdalene and her life will be seen in a hermeneutical perspective in order to arrive at an emancipatory ethical calling. In a pedagogical perspective, Maria's life values are: sensitivity- compassion, missionary vocation to be an agent of change, and wise creativity.


Mary Magdalene; pedagogical; hermeneutic; productive; missional; compassionate.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15575/kt.v2i2.8984


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