Optimal Control of Vaccination for Dengue Fever in SIR Model


  • Nilwan Andiraja UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
  • Sri Basriati
  • Elfira Safitri
  • Rahmadeni Rahmadeni
  • Alfitra Martino




control, dengue, fordward-backward, sweep, vaccination


According to data from The Indonesian ministry of health, many of individuals suffere dengue fever until may 2023 in Indonesia. To reduce its cases, in this article, a single of control strategy of vaccination for infected human by dengue fever has been proposed. To obtain the optimal control, the SIR model has been modificated with single control and the new objective function has been made before the Pontryagin minimum principle is used in this article. According to the differential equation in the model of the dengue fever and the objective function, we made the Hamiltonian equation. Then, from it, the state equation, costate equation, and stationary condition has been made from the Hamiltonian equation so we obtained the optimal control in vaccination. In the end of this article, we did the numerical simulation using the sweep forward-backward method. Through numerical simulation, we find that the control succeed to reduce the infected human by dengue fever and also increase human recovery from this desease. Futhermore, the control of vaccination for infected human should be implemented not only in this mathematical model but also into real life to decrease the dengue fever case. 


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