Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- b
Author Guidelines
Likuid Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal
Journal Article
It does not contain any elements of plagiarism and has a maximum similarity index of 25%.
It has not been published or submitted to any other journals.
It should be written in either Indonesian or English using Microsoft Word, Candara 11pt font, 1.15 spacing, and B5 paper size.
Submission is done through
A. Article Substance and Writing Systematics
LIKUID Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal is a journal published by the Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. LIKUID Journal examines Sharia economics with a focus on the study of the Halal industry economy. The scope of the Halal industry includes Islamic finance, Sharia business, and the Halal product industry. The essential elements of an article are: 1) title, 2) full name of the authors, authors' affiliations, country, and email, 3) abstract and keywords, 4) introduction, 5) methodology, 6) research findings and discussion, 7) conclusion, and 8) references.
B. Writing Style
The articles published in LIKUID Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal should follow the following writing style:
1. Accepted articles should be written using MS-Word, on B5 paper size (18.2 x 25.7 cm), 1.15 spacing, Candara 11pt font, with 2.5 cm margins on the bottom, top, and right sides. Do not use numbering or bullet points. The word count should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words (excluding references).
2. The article title should be specific and effective, with a maximum of 15 words in Indonesian, written in capital letters and centered.
3. The abstract is a summary of the article, written in one paragraph in both English and Indonesian languages, with justified alignment and a word count of 150-250 words. The abstract should include the background, objectives, research methods, and research findings.
4. Keywords should consist of 3 to 5 words that reflect the concepts discussed in the journal.
5. Introduction. This section provides the research background, related previous studies, differences from previous research that bring novelty to the research, the purpose of the writing, the expected outcomes, and the scientific benefits of the article. It should be presented in paragraph form without numbering or bullet points. The introduction should not exceed 20% of the article's content.
6. Methodology. This section covers the research type, methods, population and sample (if applicable) or research subjects, data collection techniques, operational definitions of variables, and data analysis techniques.
7. Research Findings and Discussion. This section presents the research findings based on field data obtained through questionnaires, surveys, documents, interviews, observations, or other data collection techniques. The research findings are analyzed with interpretation and synthesis using specific theories (which can also originate from the author's own thoughts).
8. Conclusion. It provides a summary of the objectives of the writing, possibilities for application or further research development, and recommendations for future research.
9. References. The references used should consist of 70% journal articles, conference proceedings, or research findings from the past 5 years. It is recommended to use Mendeley software for reference management.
10. Tables and graphs should be accompanied by sequential numbering and sources.
11. The citation system used in LIKUID Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal follows the American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA 7th edition) writing format and uses Mendeley as the reference management tool.
12. The language used in LIKUID Jurnal Ekonomi Industri Halal is correct and proper Bahasa or English.
C. Citation System
The citation system used in LIKUID Jurnal EkonomI Industri Halal follows the American Psychological Association 7th edition (APA 7th edition) writing format and uses Mendeley as the reference management tool.
D. References
The references should only include literature that has been used in the conducted research. The minimum number of references should be 20, with 70% of them being from journal articles, conference proceedings, or research findings from the past 5 years. The references should be alphabetically arranged based on the authors' last names. The reference writing format follows the APA 7th edition style, using Mendeley as the tool.
E. Arabic to Latin Transliteration
The transliteration guidelines used in this journal refer to the Joint Decree of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 158/1987 and No. 0543b/U/1987.