Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II in Indonesian Women Leaders




confirmatory factor analysis, personal growth initiative, women leaders, Indonesia


This study aimed to examine the 16 items of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II (PGIS-II) psychometric traits among women holding corporate leadership positions in Indonesia. It used quantitative methods and was conducted on 181 women in various management positions. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to analyze the PGIS-II instrument factorial validity comprising four dimensions and to determine the factor structure suitability. Furthermore, internal reliability and convergent validity were analyzed from the total and subscale scores. The results showed that the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) matched scores with different ranges. PGIS-II's internal reliability indicated the intentional planning dimensions and behavior that require modifying the items’ measurement and analysis. In terms of validity, the Intentional Behavior (IB2) indicator does not meet the standard loading factor (SLF). However, these findings suggest that the PGIS-II scale could be used to study female figures in Indonesia.

Author Biography

Dhini Rama Dhania, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Field studies of industrial and organizational psychology studies, involved in training programs, quantitative research and experiments related to existing problems in the company's human resources. Focus on handling human resource management both in company and UMKM. Recent research on issues related to MSDM issues include gender, job stress, job satisfaction, organizational culture and leadership in an organization.


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