School Well-Being pada Siswa Berprestasi Sekolah Dasar yang Melaksanakan Program Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter

Faizah Faizah, Jovita Nabila Prinanda, Ulifa Rahma, Yuliezar Perwira Dara


The aim of this study was to evaluate school well-being of achieving students in primary school that implement character education programs. This research used qualitative method, data was collected by using interview and observation with 2 primary subjects achieving student on academic or non academic skill, and 5 secondary subjects were teacher, parent, peer of primary subjects. Data was analyzed by Analysis Interactive Model with triangulation source validity. School well-being consists of four dimensions: having, loving, being, and health. The result of this study describes school well-being of achieving student in primary school with character education program.


school well-being, achieving student, character education programs

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