Kasus Perundungan Anak di Jawa Barat: Temuan Awal Children’s Worlds Survey di Indonesia

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Ihsana Sabriani Borualogo
Erlang Gumilang


This study aimed to describe the rate of bullying cases on children age 8, 10, and 12 year-olds in 27 Kota/Kabupaten in West Java. There were 22,616 children age 8, 10, and 12 year-olds who participated in this survey. This survey used stratified cluster random sampling to get a representative sample. Bullying actions were measured by reported frequency of experiencing being bullied physically and verbally by siblings and being bullied physically, verbally, and psychologically by other children at school last month. The highest rate was children reported being bullied physically by siblings and being bullied verbally by other children at school.  Results show differences on age and gender on types of bullying. Bullying is a serious problem that needs to be taken into account to stop bullying cases in West Java.

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